SEVEN: Memories

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I woke up in our University's clinic and saw Felix and Changbin on my right side. "Jeongin, you're awake! Are you feeling better?" Felix asked me. I remembered the things that I saw before everything went dark. "Felix, I think you should get him something to eat and drink first" I turned my head to my left side to see who said that to Felix and it was Hyunjin.

"Hey, fox. I'll be back, okay? Wait for me" he said. I only gave him a nod. Felix then went out of the clinic. I tried to close my eyes to avoid the presence of these two crazy cheating bastards beside me. I feel disgusted. Now, I'm sure they are the ones I saw earlier.

Suddenly, a hand slapped my face. To be honest, it was really painful. "Wake up, you nosy bitch" I opened my eyes and saw Hyunjin staring at me. "Do you think I am not aware that you heard and saw us at the comfort room earlier? Next time you'll escape, don't ever look back. I saw your reflection on the mirror" he said while giving me a smirk.

"You are so evil! How could you do this to Felix! You are his best friend!" I yelled at Hyunjin. I turned my body to face Changbin, "and you! You are such a cheater! You don't deserve Felix!" I shouted. "Shut up! You don't know my reasons!" Changbin replied.

Hyunjin came closer to me and grabbed my face and squished my cheeks. "If you're planning on telling Felix what you know, I'll make your life miserable. Mark my words!" he whispered to me as he squished my cheeks harder. I want to cry because of the pain. When I was about to cry, he let go of me.

"What will you do? You don't even know me yet!" I screamed. "Killing is as easy as cheating, what do you think?" Changbin creepily said. This bastard! I want to slap him so bad but I'm afraid for my own life. I'm only 18, I want to grow old! "I guess we're clear, shut your mouth and you'll live. Get it?" Hyunjin asked and I just gave him a blank stare as an answer.


I'm on my way back to the clinic. I already bought my friend, Jeongin, his food and his drink. I saw a group of female students drooling over their poster of a duo. I think they are the new artists from RACHA Entertainment, CB97 and J.ONE. The CB97 guy really looks familiar to me. He looks like, hmmm. Who?

CB97 caught my attention, he's so handsome! Oh wait, I have a boyfriend already! LOL. But CB97 is really handsome, I cannot!!! I heard that he's from Australia and that made me miss my hometown. I remember my friend there, his name is Chan. Oh wait, yes! It's Chan! CB97 looks like Chan! If we see each other again, I might not notice him. It's been 5 years already, he probably looks mature.

For a second, I thought CB97 and Chan were the same person but Chan is in Australia, it's dumb if I'll assume they are the same person right? Besides, CB97 is handsome and Chan is... I can't really remember his face.

I did not realise I was already in front of the clinic because of my thoughts about Australia and Chan. I entered the room once again. "Jeongin-ahhh! Here's your food!" I said and was confused because to my surprise, he's alone.

"Where's Changbin and Hyunjin?" I asked.

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