SIX: Collapsed

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"Jeongin-ah, are you alright?" Felix asked his new friend, Jeongin, who was shocked when he introduced Changbin to him. "Oh y-yeah, I'm fine." Jeongin answered and gave a small smile. "I'm Changbin, it's nice meeting you, Jeongin. I'm glad my baby here is making some friends already" Changbin greeted Jeongin and sticked his hand for a handshake. "My name's Jeongin, it's also nice meeting you. Felix is a friendly one, I did not have a hard time befriending him." Jeongin replied to Changbin and gave his hand to handshake.

The three of them are having their meals at the cafeteria and suddenly, Felix noticed that they don't have drinks. "I'll go get some drinks, guys." Felix said and stood up. "No, you stay here babe, I'll do it." Changbin volunteered and put his boyfriend back to his seat. "I'm so lucky to have you, Binnie" Felix said with romantic excitement.

As Changbin leaves, Jeongin stares blankly at his food while remembering what he saw and heard at the comfort room earlier. "I'm sure I heard their names right, they're Changbin and Hyunjin. Urgh! but what if there are other people named Changbin here?" he argued with himself. He continued to think about what if Changbin is cheating on Felix.

"Hey fox, are you okay? You really look pale." Felix asked Jeongin. "Y-yes, I'm fine, Lix. I think I'm full already." Jeongin lied because he does not want to tell Felix what he was thinking because he's still not certain whether the Changbin that he met right now was the same Changbin that's cheating on his partner with someone named Hyunjin.

Changbin returned to their table with their drinks. "Thank you, babe" Felix thanked his boyfriend and put his head on Changbin's shoulder. "No worries, I'll do anything for you, Lixie" Changbin answered.

Jeongin just stared at them. Despite being friends with Felix in less than a day, he's concerned to his new friend. He hopes that he is wrong and there are other "Changbins" in this University.

Felix saw someone familiar entering the cafeteria and he immediately shouted his name. "Hyunjin, over here!." Jeongin turned his head and saw Hyunjin approaching their table. The next thing Felix and Changbin saw is Jeongin's body on the floor.

"Jeongin, wake up!" said Felix.

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