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Two years later...

The allegations against Chan and Jisung for the chart manipulation were dumped and they continued to be idols. This time, they learned their lesson that their music represents them as persons and if they doubt their craft, they doubt themselves as people.

Chan already moved on and continued life. Along with him is Jisung who improved each day. Minho is back at Australia with Felix's mom but is in contact with Jisung all the time. Long distance relationship is the trend for them.

"I'm glad you're doing better, Hyung." Jisung pats Chan's back as they are waiting in the room before performing. Yes, they are promoting their new song.

"Two years yet it is still painful. It's a nightmare, Jisung. But you said it already, I have to move on and that's what I'm doing. I think I'm on the process of accepting things." Chan smiled to the younger.

"Felix is in a better place."

The two continued practicing hard for they really pour everything for this comeback.


It has been two years and I've already accepted the fact that he's gone. But the fact that I've caused him pain before he died, I don't think so.

We are at the music show waiting room because we are in the line-up to promote our new song. As I rest, everything flashed back in my mind.

5 months before our promotion today, I searched for some of my burned CDs. Some of these are not yet released. I've noticed a CD case that stands out out of all.

It is the same color as Felix's diary. I immediately took it and saw a CD with his signature on it. I rushed to my laptop to play this since I'm thrilled to know what's in here. Tears began to fall as I saw him filming himself.

"Hiii! I'm Felix and I am CB97's boyfriend. You're jealous of me, right?"

That's how he introduced himself. It should be CB97's husband but you left me too early baby. His smile while teasing other people was perfect. He scrunches his nose and his freckles are prominent.

"I actually wrote a song but since I don't know instruments yet, I'll just sing the lyrics the way I want."

My baby's honest. He really doesn't know how to play any instrument so he sang the lyrics he wrote by himself.

"Searching North, East, West, and South
That's what our story is all about
Perfect timing for a new beginning
Everything's worthy after chasing."

After hearing all his words, this gave me the spark to write again. To do better again. To be back with my own self. It gave me the boost to become the real me once again whose heart belongs to music.

"Felix, baby, you're a genius." I whispered right after watching his video. But I was wrong, it has not yet ended.

"Chan, I'm happy we found each other again. You saved me from the darkness I felt when my ex cheated on me. I love you to the moon and back." These are his last words in the video.

Oh Felix, I love you even more and I miss you so much.


"Hyung! You're spacing out again." Jisung poked me which made me stop daydreaming about Felix.

"Oh sorry." I smiled.

"It's our turn for the interview, let's go?"

We went to the area where interviews are usually held. The MCs started reading and following their scripts.

"1, 2, Hi! For this day we have CB97 and J.One to promote their biggest comeback hit entitled Chasing Stars! So can you tell us what's the concept of this comeback and why did catch the general public?"

"I think everyone can relate to it because it is all about chasing those who and what you consider as your stars. It's about never giving up and always chase your dreams." I gave a short answer.

"Have you ever experienced this feeling in real life?" The other MC asked us and this, Jisung answered.

"I haven't, actually. But CB97 hyung wrote the lyrics so I think he knows the feeling well." He said.

"This song is actually for someone close to my heart. Unfortunately, that's the only place he can be close because he's nowhere to be found now." I stopped.

I continued what I wanted to say in my mind.

Lix, I'll never stop chasing you even if it takes me another lifetime. You are the reason behind this song's success, baby. I love you so much.

I miss you. I'm sorry.

———————— END ————————

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———————— END ————————

Author's Note:

It has been almost a year since I started this story and I am both happy and sad to say that this has come to and end. <33

I hope you liked the story despite this ending. I'd like to thank everyone who constantly votes and comments <33 I know all of you!

I'll be writing a JayWon Fanfic/AU soon and I hope you will give it the same support you gave this story (Chasing Stars).

Also, I have a surprise to all of you on the anniversary of this story which is on August 18th.

this has been Chasing Stars. ily all. <33

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