Chapter 17 - Don't Leave Me

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Author's Note:

Dear Readers,

Hey, I know I said I wouldn't post until Feb. 18th but I have relented. But this is all you get until then. I don't think it will help you any though. SORRY!!!!!!!!! (not)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you like it.



Alexis's POV:

I ran towards Squall. There was only one things on my mind. I had to get to wherever Erik was. I feared the worst. Squall wouldn't have come back without Erik. I didn't know what to think.

He slid to a stop before me and I grabbed a handful of his mane before vaulting on. I didn't know what I was thinking but I had to go and he knew where Erik was. My mind echoed with one thing: Find Erik, find Erik, find Erik. It was all I could think about.

I vaguely heard the deputy trying to get me to stop but I ignored him completely. I wrapped my arms around the neck of the massive stallion and clung to his sides with my legs then whispered,

“Take me to Erik, Squall, now.” He stopped prancing for an instant. The next second his hooves were flying and taking me with them. I closed my eyes on concentrated on staying on top of him. I knew that I had better not try this again unless I had a life or death reason. But this was a life or death reason. Erik could be dead and without him I was dead. I had lost almost everything important to me. My life had been so hard. Couldn't something work out for me?

It felt like eternity before Squall came to a stop. I feared looking up. I feared what I would see. But I opened my eyes anyway. What I saw startled me. It was a completely demolished camp. A few bodies were lying around. Not many though. What puzzled me was where Erik's body was. There was no sigh of a black rider anywhere. Squall suddenly snorted and started to trot towards a crudely thrown up building. I threw myself off and through the small door. Lying on the floor where three men. One was Richard. He had a bullet through his heart. The blood was all over his shirt and I knew he was dead. The second man I didn't recognize so I guessed he was an outlaw. The third I knew so well. It was Erik. He was curled up in a ball against the wall. There was blood all over his black shirt and jeans.

I ran to his side and knelt down beside him. I quickly felt for a pulse and couldn't believe when I felt one. It was faint to say the least but it was there. I opened up his shirt and gasped slightly. The deformity that was on his face ran down onto the start of his chest. I ran my hand lightly over it and shuddered. He was cold like ice. I ripped the shirt where I could see the wound. By ripping his cloak, I managed to get a piece of cloth with which I tried to stop the bleeding. It was in the right side of his chest and so had missed the heart. But without prompt medical attention he was die.

As I wiped away the blood I heard a slightly whisper. I quickly glanced up and Erik had his eyes just barely open. I pulled off his mask and he slightly smiled then said,

“Alexis, I never thought I would see you again.” He coughed a little and smiled again. With one hand I traced his jaw line.

“Erik, you didn't think that I was going to remain at home when Squall came in alone, did you? No, I came after you. I love you.” He sighed slightly and looked into my eyes with his perfect green ones. He struggled to raise his hand to my face. Carefully he trailed a hand through my hair.
“And I love you. Don't ever forget that, Alexis. I will always love you. Always.” He took a deep breath and said, “Take care of Jewel. You are all she has. She was like a daughter to me. Maybe one day she might have been.” My heart lept at what he meant. The only way she could have really been his daughter was that he would have married me. I wanted to be his wife. I really wanted to be his wife.

A tear slipped down my cheek and he wiped it away.

“Don't cry, Alexis. Take care of the horses. I won't be there to do it. They trust you and love you. Take care of Squall. I raised him from a colt. He won't understand where I have gone. Neither will Night.” He gasped for air and I knew all this talking was draining the energy from his body. But I was slightly confused. He was going to live, right?

“But, Erik, what are you talking about? You are going to live through this. You can't leave me alone.” He frowned slightly.

“Death comes for all men as it is coming for me. I know. I feel it. Things grow dark as it is.” He took my hand and held it with such strength I wondered where he drew it from. His last words before his hand went limp were, “Alexis, I love you. Don't forget it.” His eyes closed and I stared at his form. I gasped out,

“I love you, too. Don't leave me. Don't leave me.” I laid my head on his chest and listened but I couldn't hear a beat. My heart was shattering and I felt nothing. Nothing at all. I couldn't feel. I was completely numb. On one last impulse, I pulled his limp body to the door and with strength I didn't know I had I heaved him onto Squall. I doubted there was a chance to save him but I wasn't going to give up. I scrambled onto the back of Squall along with Erik's body and turned him towards home. There had to be a way to save his life if it was still with him.

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