Chapter 11 - Rustlers and Plans

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Alexis's POV:

Iridescent easily kept up with Erik's horse but I didn't. Do you know how hard it is to hang onto a galloping mustang that is weaving down the side of a hill that suddenly got very steep? Well, it ain't easy. I may be in love with Erik but right then I had several names I wanted to call him. Showoff was one of them. How did he manage to do that? I didn't have time to focus on him. I had to hang on.

We reached the bottom of the hill and he took off down a trail through the scrub brush. I was amazed at how easily Iridescent followed him. I guess it helped because they were both mustangs and understood each other. Erik matched the speed of the horse herd and followed them. The dust was horrible and I was struggling to breath. Suddenly, Erik made a sharp turn and when straight up the side of one hill. I was more than grateful to get out of dust. Erik galloped up on top of a mesa-like formation and stopped. Iridescent slid to a stop behind his stallion and I took a deep breath of the clear air. I coughed and mumbled under my breath,

“Dare devil.” Erik laughed and concentrated on whatever he was looking at. I rode up beside him and gasped. Before us spread a whole group of paddocks. In them were several hundred horses. It was a whole operation. I looked at Erik and saw anger flashing in his eyes. His hands clinched around the reins and he growled.

“Erik, what is this?” He turned to look at me and said,

“They are selling my mustangs. I won't stand for this.” He pulled something out of his pocket and blew through it. It was a whistle but I couldn't hear it. Suddenly all the horses started to panic. They started to kick at paddocks. Erik blew through it again and the horses boiled from the pens. They thundered away from the paddocks and I could see the rustlers running away from the wild herd. Erik's stallion reared up and we took off again. I was beginning to wonder whether it was such a good idea to follow Erik hither and yon.

Once more we were thundering with a herd but we were leading it this time. I just followed Erik. I had no idea what to do. I hung on as we raced toward his home. Erik's horse slammed to a stop and Iridescent and the rest of the horses followed suit. I looked at Erik and glared. His mask moved and suspected he was smiling. The horses dispersed and I collapsed over Iridescent's neck. He walked over to me and said,

“Now, you know why I was going to leave you behind. I am pleased to see that Iridescent can keep up. Go on inside and make sure that Jewel is alright. I will deal with the horses.” I gladly agreed. Every muscle in my body hurt. I walked into the house and Jewel was sitting at Erik's piano. I smiled at her and she looked at me, saying,

“Mama, what happened? I heard a bunch of horses running.” I sat down and explained the whole story to her. She listened carefully and by the end said,

“You were a hero, Mama. I am proud to call you 'Mama.'” I held out my arms to that girl. I loved her so much. And at four years old she seemed so much older. We sat on the couch for quite some time. I needed to think. I never imagined that my life would get so complicated when I first heard about the Horse King. My life had been so simple. All I had to do was protect Jewel and raise her. Now, my world was spinning.

I looked down at my ankle and knew I would be going home. I didn't want to. My ankle was getting better so Erik would be sending me home. He didn't return any feelings of affection I had for him. Why would he? After all, I was just a simple unwed mother. There was nothing about me he could love. I looked down at Jewel and realized that she had gone to sleep. I traced her deformity and sighed. How could someone not love her? Erik would have made a perfect father for her. I ran my fingers through her hair and the door opened. Erik was standing there, watching us. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

He walked over to his piano and I asked,

“What is going to happen?” He sighed.

“The rustlers are getting more bold than ever. Never have they taken that many horses. I think it is time you go home and get out of this.” I sighed. That was exactly what I had been expecting.

“Is my ankle healed enough?” He nodded.

“Yes, it is. And besides, I don't know what is going to happen. They could very well attack. If they ever find out where I live then they will come after me in a heartbeat. They hate me as much as I hate them.”

“Then why does everyone think that you might join them?” He snorted and said,

“That is a lie. I wouldn't join those brutes for all the gold they could give me. I would die before I did that.” He leaned back against the piano and sighed. I frowned. To tell the truth, leaving Erik was only part of the reason that I didn't want to go home. True, it was most of it but the rest was that I didn't want to face Richard. He hated Erik and would no doubt try to pry the information out of me. I looked at Erik and said,

“What do I say to the sheriff when he asks me about you?” He looked at me in shock.

“I wouldn't expect you to lie for me. Tell the truth. I can handle whatever he tries.” I looked at Erik and shook my head.

“He would try to hurt you and the horses. No, I will lie. Maybe he won't know that I am lying.” Erik didn't look happy at all. He walked over to me and said,

“That will put you in the way the law. You would be lying to a officer about the position of a criminal. I don't expect you to do that for me.” I rolled my eyes and laid Jewel down on the couch so I could stand up.

“Erik, I would do more for a friend. Richard doesn't need to know anything. Besides, maybe he will think twice about trying to woo me. I hate him. He doesn't like Jewel but wants me. Without Jewel there is no me.” Erik laid his hand on my shoulder and I felt sparks. He looked deep into my eyes and I hoped I wasn't blushing too badly. Why did he have to be so perfect? I had asked myself that question for a long time and I never had come up with an answer. At that moment I almost told him what he was to me but I didn't. He squeezed my shoulder and said,

“Alexis, you really are a good friend. Richard is a pain. He is quite the charmer. And you and Jewel can leave in the morning.” He turned away and walked out the door. I picked Jewel up and walked to our room. I laid her down and wished I had told him. Maybe, if I had we wouldn't be leaving. I loved it out here. It was beautiful. But it was more than likely that it wouldn't change anything because he didn't feel the same as me. I laid down beside Jewel and held my sleeping daughter close to me. Tomorrow I would go home and leave my heart behind in the scrub brush with a man known as the Horse King.

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