Chapter 9 - Likeness

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Alexis's POV:

I shifted in the bed and looked over at Jewel. She was sound asleep on the floor of the room. I couldn't sleep. My ankle had a dull ache and there was no way I could sleep. I slipped out of bed and stretched. After making sure that Jewel was sleeping well, I walked into the main room. What I saw surprised me. Erik was sitting at his piano and therefore his back was to me. But what surprised me was that his hat and mask were gone. Both were sitting on the piano top. His long cloak was gone too. That didn't help me at all. He looked even better without it all. I blushed and called his hand. He jumped and grabbed for his mask. He pulled it on and turned to look at me. I frowned and said,

“Erik, what is wrong? Why did you throw your mask on so quickly?” He turned back and said,

“You don't want to see what is beneath this mask.” I walked over and sat down beside him. The bench was large enough for two but just barely. I could tell my cheeks were heating up because of the close contact. I fussed at myself for thinking of that. After all, it wasn't likely that I would ever see him again. Falling for his unintentional charms wasn't going to do me any good. I reached up and laid a hand on his shoulder.

“Erik, are you deformed?” He nodded slowly. I took a deep breath. I lived with a deformed girl. I had given her life. It couldn't be that bad. I laid my hand on his mask and he shied away.

“What are you doing?” He asked quickly. I smiled.

“Erik, I gave life to a deformed girl. I have loved her and raised her. Is it anything like her's?” He said,

“Yes, it is. But worse. Much worse.” I smiled slightly. No wonder he understood her so well. He was like her. That is why they connected. In the past little while I had been at his home I had seen her develop a love for him that was close to the love for a father. Jewel thought that Erik was a good father figure. And he was. He was good and kind and honest.

“Erik, please show me. Don't run from me. I won't run from you. We have become friends haven't we?” He nodded slowly. I could feel the fear radiating off of him. He wasn't sure about this at all.

“We have become friends. But that friendship won't last. Your daughter has it easy. It is just one side of her face. For me it is my face and hands. She has it so easy.” The mask moved and I saw that he was scowling. I laughed.

“She doesn't have it easy. Her life hasn't been even close to easy. But, Erik, please show me. I know what to expect to some extent. You see how much I love Jewel. Why would I hate you?” He sighed. I realized then he didn't have a leg to stand on now. I did understand his deformity. I had live four years with a girl like him. He reached up slowly and tugged off the mask. He was right. It was worse than Jewel's. His whole face was covered in what looked like scars. But in reality they were deformed flesh. There wasn't much difference except that one was a whole lot worse than the other. His nose was twisted and the only normal things were his lips. They were perfect and the first thing that came to my mind was that they looked great for kissing. I so didn't not need to be thinking that. A moment after he removed his mask he pulled off his gloves. His hands looked much like his face. I could tell they were shaking. I took them firmly in my hands. He stared down at our hands and said,

“I haven't ever felt someone else's touch. Mother never held my hands.” I squeezed them gently and laid one hand on his cheek.

“You know, you don't look too bad. Does Jewel know?” He shook his head and I saw something in his perfect green eyes. Why did he have to be perfect? Why? It wasn't fair. He was everything I had ever wanted in a husband but he was a wanted outlaw. Wait, did I just think husband? Yep, I did. This had definitely escalated from just friendship and I had only know him for about two weeks.

“She doesn't know.” He finally said. “I didn't think that even she could understand. That is why we seem so close. We understand each other to some extent. She has had it much easier than me but we do understand the way the other thinks.” He chuckled slightly and I smiled.

“I am glad. She needs a father figure.” He gasped and stuttered out,

“F-father f-figure?!” I giggled at his shocked expression.

“Yes, a father figure. She has no one to do that. Even the very fine sheriff of this town who has been making it very plain that he wishes to court me hasn't given her a second thought.” Erik's eyes narrowed and he said,

“The sheriff has been wanting to court you?” I laughed.

“Yes, but it is completely one-sided. I dislike him. He doesn't like Jewel at all. He would make her story much like the story of that little boy you told me.” I gasped as an idea came to my mind.

“Erik, was that your tale?” He nodded slowly.

“My mother abandoned me in the wild. I was older in my mind than most seven-year-olds so I was able to live. The mustangs kind of adopted me so I lived with them. I have lived on my own for thirty years.” I quickly calculated and said,

“So you are thirty-seven?” He nodded. I thought about it for a moment. That was a large age difference but not that large. It was long eighteen years. Okay, he was almost twice my age. But what did that matter. He liked Jewel and I was in a fair was of falling in love with him. The more I thought about it the more I liked the idea. Loving the Horse King. That meant I would be the Horse Queen. That had a nice ring to it. I smiled and said,

“Well, that isn't that old. Now, Erik,” I yawned quietly. All this thinking had exhausted my mind. “I believe I will try to return to bed. Thanks for showing me your face. It really isn't all that bad. If Jewel doesn't mind than I would be happy if you didn't wear it. And I doubt Jewel will have any objections.” I leaned forward and planted a kiss on his cheek. I hurried back to my room but not before I saw the shock on his face. I blushed as I walked into my room. Yep, I was falling for the Horse King. This would make for an interesting life for sure.  

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