Chapter 3 - Richard

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Alexis's POV:

The meal was quite for a while until Grandmother said,

“Have you had any luck catching the rustlers or the Horse King?” Sheriff Down finished his bite and then said,

“No, I haven't. We need a lead and we don't have one. I really do wonder how that Horse King manages to escape from me. He is like a ghost.” I smiled and didn't say a word. The Sheriff sounded so annoyed. Jewel looked at me and rolled her eyes. I raised my eyebrows and she reformed. I looked at the Sheriff and said,

“What if he is a ghost?” Sheriff Down looked at me and said,

“I know he isn't. I have drawn his blood before. He is a man. I just can't catch him. If you should learn anything then please tell me.” I nodded and he looked at Jewel.

“What happened to you, little one?” She smiled and I said,

“It is a genetic malfunction. But she is quite the little genius. She can already play the piano like a master.” He smiled and nodded approvingly.

“My sister had a faint mark like it. I heard that I had a brother who had it worse but I never met him. Mother said he died when he was an infant. Its uncommon but is around.” I didn't say anything to that remark. Instead I asked,

“If you want after dinner, she could play for you. One of her own compositions.” He stared at me as Jewel looked down at her dinner.

“You mean, she composes?” He asked in disbelief. I nodded.

“Yes, a little. You prefer to draw though don't you, Jewel?” She nodded and said,

“Draw is more fun that composing. I like colors. But I have composed a few songs.” Ten minutes later she was seated at the piano and playing. The music swirled around us and I was soon lost in the majesty of it all. She could barely reach the peddles but it made no difference. Sheriff Down just stared at her back. I could tell that he was in shock. When she finished she turned around. Her eyes were dilated at her face drained of color. That was the way it always was when she was done. A moment later she was back to normal. I didn't understand the change but it happened and there was nothing I could do about it. The Sheriff clapped loudly.

“That is some of the best piano I have ever heard! You are a true genius. Did you get that from your mother?” The girl shook her head while I said,

“No, and she didn't get it from her father either. He wasn't good at much of anything. I can't play or sing.” Jewel quickly corrected me.

“She can sing. She just won't.” I shook my head.

“My voice is horrible.” I shrugged my shoulders and Jewel didn't pursue the subject. My voice really was bad. Jewel's father had said so and I believed him. He had said that I was worthless and just trash. I could hear his insults in my head and I closed my eyes tightly. When I opened them, I saw everyone was looking at me. I smiled slightly and said,

“Bad memories.” Grandmother nodded and the Sheriff looked around as if he had missed something. But I wasn't going to elaborate. I saw no reason to tell a complete stranger about my past life. Even though he saw the result standing before him he didn't have to know how she had come to be. I opened my arms and Jewel walked over to sit in my lap. I held her close and everything was silent. Suddenly the Sheriff said,

“Well, I had better be going. It was a delight to meet you, Alexis and Jewel. I hope to see more of both of you.” He started to walk toward the door but Grandmother said,

“Alexis, show him to the door.” I complied and after putting Jewel down I walked him out the door. We stood on the porch for a moment before he said,

“I would like to see more of you, Alexis. You seem like a really nice girl.” I smiled slightly. “Your daughter is really charming. She is quite the child prodigy.” I smiled.

“She is.” He reached forward and took my hand. I looked down at it and he said,

“I was wondering when you might be available to go on a date. I know you just got here so I am willing to wait. But I don't want someone else snatching you away before I have a chance.” I blushed and said,

“Sheriff Down-” He quickly interrupted.

“Please, call me Richard.” I smiled and said,

“Richard, give me a few weeks and I will consider it. I just need to get settled in. You see, my parents have just died and I am still working through everything.” He squeezed my hand.

“I am sorry to hear that. If you ever need any help, let me know. I will be here as soon as I can.” He kissed the back of my hand before walking away. If it hadn't been for the warning knot in my stomach I might have felt something for him. But something told me something wasn't right. I shook my head and walked back in. A little later I went on to bed. But just before I laid down I looked out my window and saw the black rider again. I now knew who he was. The Horse King. But why was he watching me?

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