𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚕𝚟𝚎 // dancing with a tempest

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━━━AHOY! Extra long chapter for the extended amount of time y'al waited for the next update. I've come to the realization that Gray and Dealana are both emotionally guarded individuals... welp! It'll just be a test of how well I can write slow burn, lol!

( Chapter 12 - Dancing with a Tempest )



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DEALANA LANDED WITH AN OOMPH! ON HER BACK AND LET OUT A PAINED GROAN. Makani Roselyn's tired but victorious grin came into view not long after, conviently blocking out the sun from Dealana's eyes. Once again, their morning spars ended with a victory marked in Makani's column. 

"You win," Dealana huffed, accepting Makani's outstretched hand to pull her off the ground. "again."

The older wizard had many years of practice and experience on Dealana so it was only natural he claimed victory more often between them— though that wasn't to say Dealana always lost; there were days where she came out on top.

Today was not one of those days, unfortunately for her.

"You almost had me, little cloud," Makani said, chuckling as he clapped her on the back. "again."

"Ha. Ha." Dealana mocked, but the faint twitch upwards of her lips betrayed her attempt at annoyance. After another minute of sulking in defeat, she gave in and grinned, albeit tiredly. "I missed sparring with you these past few days, old man." she then furrowed her brows, eyes filled with mirth. "Maybe the reason I lost was because I was simply getting rusty."

"Rusty? Yeah, right, we can go with that," he replied, rolling his eyes before muttering to himself, "old man? old man?" Able to hear him still, Dealana snickered.

She gazed up at the lightening morning sky, the rising sun illuminating the damage the two managed to inflict upon the clearing. Poor clearing... it never stood a chance against the two storm-based mages. Dealana inhaled deeply, taking a few moments to catch her breath and enjoy the crisp morning air.

"The guild's probably waking up and moving by now," she realized thoughtfully.

"Oh, that's right," her mentor mused, rubbing the stubble on his chin. "reminds me, Laxus and Cress finally reunited the other day."

Dealana's gaze snapped over to him, her eyes wide with curiosity. "They did?!? Aw, man I missed it!"

"You did, which is slightly unfortunate since Cress punched him in the gut before tackling him to the ground in a hug."

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