𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢-𝚘𝚗𝚎 // oración seis reborn

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━━━AHOY! This took a while to get out, and the next chapter will probably be the same, just a head's up. Otherwise, I do hope you enjoy this chapter!

( Chapter 21 - Oración Seis Reborn )



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WITH THE APPEARANCE THE ORACIÓN SEIS, it seemed the chaos had already begun. Dealana grew less and less afraid of the shift in the atmosphere as her anger towards herself boiled with each passing moment of staring up at the escaped dark guild convicts. 

She'd had a feeling that there was a third party involved in this whole mess, but she didn't even consider the possibility of the infinity clock being the Oración Seis' goal all this time. Pieces she'd been missing before were falling into place as it all began to make more sense.

"I was hoping to never see them again, but here they are." Gray frowned.

"And it appears they have new members." Erza observed, eyes narrowing at the floating hooded figure bearing a rather familiar scythe and the pink mechanical -bear-slot-machine-thing that flicked the lever on the side of its body.

The slot machine spun until it landed on three identical images: their dark guild emblem. "Oh my, it's hot hot hot!" the mechanical bear machine cackled. "It's true you've met them before, but things sure have changed," they said, sweeping their free arm out in a greeting gesture towards the gathered group of dark wizards. "may I present the new, and improved, Neo-Oración Seis!"

"Did he say the Neo-Oración Seis!?" everyone exclaimed.

"You seem surprised. A great deal has changed since the last time we've met." Midnight said, idly fiddling with a small white braid on the fluff of his coat collar. 

"I remember you, you're Midnight!" Natsu shouted.

"I no longer go by that name. From now on, I ask that you refer to me as Brain the second."

"You wanna tell us what you're doing here? I know you're up to something." Natsu growled.

 "I have but one single wish—to make my father's dream a reality. And that is to destroy all that has form in this world." Midnight replied, because the chaos-bringing infinity clock wasn't obvious enough already. 

"I can't believe you're still spouting the same nonsense." Erza scoffed, tightening the grip on her sword.

Midnight huffed a small laugh under his breath before each of the members of the Neo-Oración Seis lifted a hand. "You've been very helpful. Thank you. But I'm afraid that we no longer require your services." No sooner had the words left his mouth before the Infinity Clock glow again, this time in a murky green Neo Oración Seis emblems were branded onto it.

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