𝚘𝚗𝚎 // the sky will be blue

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( Chapter 1 - The Sky Will Be Blue )

// Surprise! I'm feeling rather impulsive this morning!

Heads up seven up, this first chapter explores potentially triggering negative thoughts of guilt, so please be careful if that could possibly upset you. 

What a way to start, huh?



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"Come on, Dealana, I know you're not giving up already."

"Now I want to give up just to prove you wrong."

Makani Roselyn snorted, amused by the girl's words as he took a moment to rest. The two had been training in a forest in the mountains. After the destruction of Tenrou Island, Dealana's emotions threw off the balance of her magic. She lost control frequently even with spells as simple as conjuring a cloud.

A solution appeared in the form of the Storm Talon Tribe offering to help her regain control before her unstable magic created even more storms to plague the kingdom of Fiore. It didn't take much consideration for Dealana to accept the offer, but she hadn't anticipated just how much her grief affected her magic's stability.

For the past week, Dealana trained for most of the day with Makani as he was the only member of the tribe skilled enough to counter the dragon slayer's storms. His mastery of Tempest Magic and laid-back, patient nature made him the perfect mentor for her.

Makani looked over to find the sky-blunette starfished in the middle of the clearing, staring up at the grey sky. He shook his head with another huff of quiet laughter before Dealana decided to speak up, asking, "When do you think the sky will be blue again?" The older man paused, an expression of sorrow crossing his features.

"Is this how Juvia felt growing up?" Dealana continued, ignoring the way her voice cracked at the mention of her late friend and guildmate. The sky rumbled to life, growing darker. Clouds circled overhead with the girl in the center, and fat raindrops began to fall. Makani sighed as he watched Dealana do nothing, allowing herself to be pelted continuously by the rain.

The girl barely blinked as the onslaught of raindrops continue, her body seemingly numb to any pain except the empty feeling in her heart. Makani almost missed hearing Dealana as she spoke again, her voice barely a whisper.

"I miss them so much. Why can't they come back?"

Instead of answering with some form of comfort, Makani made a quick decision to take a different approach. He stood across the clearing from the depressed puddle that was Dealana and said, "Let's go again."

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