Chapter 7: A Difficult Puzzle

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So this may be a shocker but, I decided to make mason pov, let's see what goes on in his head, shall we?

"Let me take you out" I blurted out, I don't know why I said that but the look on her face is worth it
"Why would you want to do that," she asks confused. Honestly, I don't know, I just find her..... Intriguing, she is so sarcastic and she doesn't fall for my charms easily.
"Because............," I struggle to find an excuse " Nate is having a date with Sophie and wants us to tag along"
"Right.." she dragged unconvincingly " I guess I'm free later, what time" she shrugs
" Be ready by 6, oh and clean up nicely rosy" I added the last part with a smirk and left the class, I can feel her scowl from a mile away.

"Hey dude, so you and Sophie are having a double date tonight whether you like it or not" I say to Nate as I enter the boy's locker room
"Woah, hold it, tiger, why"
"um, because I kinda blurted out to Claire that you want to have a double date with Sophie and you want us to tag along"
"Woah, dude, so you asked Claire to tag along on a double date that I didn't tell Sophie about? "
"um, yeah, kinda" I rub my neck nervously
" sure dude, I'll text Sophie the details, but why did you lie to her about the double date"
"Honestly, I don't know she's just interesting and I kinda blurted it out during one of her cute rambling"
" cute, huh, looks like someone's whipped" Nate snickers
"Pssht, I just asked okay,  I don't like Claire or anything, it just came out" I scoffed, he must be delusional
"I never said you like her, bro, chill" he smirks, I'm pretty sure he's amused by my frustration
"whatever man, six on the dot"
"sure bro"

"Son, where are you going" dad glances up from his newspaper.
"oh, I'm going on a double date with Nate and Sophie"
"Are you not meant to have a date to go on a double one," mom says, entering the living room
" Yeah, um, I'm kinda going with Claire" I rub my neck nervously, I have been doing that a lot lately get a grip man
" oh, Martínez daughter, she is such a nice fella, be careful mason, don't h-"
"I know, I know, don't hurt her feelings, come on mom, it's not like I have feelings towards her or anything, she is just my date" I cut my mom off, probably the best action to take, or else I will be late, mom can go overboard with her advice and suggestion
"Okay son, have fun, oh and greet Peter for me"
"Bye honey, and remember, be careful" she kisses my cheek
" I know mom, bye love you, bye dad"

Claire's house is a lot similar to my house, I'm not really surprised because our parents are business partners and long-time friends, so they are both loaded and like similar things.
I sent a text to Claire that I'm here and knock on the door, her dad opens
" Hey Mr. Martínez, I'm here to pick claire"
" Mason, my boy, how are you doing and how's my guy"
"I'm fine sir, and my dad is good, he sends his regards"
"of course, oh and tell him the meeting with the clients is running overdue"
"no problem Mr Martínez"
"um, dad, I'm ready, you can stop talking now" a familiar figure walks down the stairs. Woah, she emerges down wearing a red dress that reaches her mid-thigh, the dress brings out her curves and a pair of converses, I snort of course she will,
"Eyes up here you pervert"
"you look stunning" I smile as she blushes at my compliment
"Um, thanks you don't look bad yourself" she shrugs brushing off any sign of flustering.
"Ready to go?"
"um yeah" I lead her to the car
"um, nice car," she says hesitantly
"you okay, you look scared"
"un I'm okay, just not a fan of riding in cars, but I love them anyway"
"I'm sorry, I didn't know i would-"
" no it's okay, you didn't know"
" Just know that I am here all the way, there's nothing to be scared about, okay?"
"Thanks, Mason" she looks at me for while and looks outside the window.
I wonder how she's able to do that, cover up emotion as quickly as possible, she has all her guards up yet she doesn't show it, I notice she doesn't trust people easily and she just likes to be alone in her own world, I wonder why. She is a difficult puzzle....and surprisedly I find myself drawn to it.
Oh my God, 789 words, this is the longest chapter so far, I'm so proud of my self, I deserve a reward don't you think 😅... Should I make my chapters like this often.... Comment 🤗.

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