Chapter 2- Harry

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Another update, so exictedddd, chapter is dedicated to @sweetwriter15 for liking and commenting. Love you girllll.

You know that time when the clock decides to have a sentimental hatred towards you and slows down. Well that what's happening now, stuck in literature class, with Miss pop, actually known as miss poppy, pop just sounds fun. She is explaining the concept of summarize a story, lit class isn't boring or anything, my stomach keeps calling food, whoever ever starves, lacks,

Hey, that rhymed
" I will pass around a box that has concept topics to discuss about, find a partner and both of you gets to talk about it and explain how it relates to your partner, understood?".

Different yes and groans were heard.
"So find your partner"
A tap on my shoulder made me turn to see a cute browned haired, with blue eyes staring intensely at me.
"Hey, I'm Harry"
"Cool name, well I was wondering if you would like to be my lit partner"
I raise one eyebrow at him "um sure"
"Miss Martínez, pick a paper, and am guessing Mr. Jordan here is your partner". Miss pop says.
" Yh, I guess", I picked a paper and opened it.
"Seriously, our concept topic is on the basis of love" I groan
" heh, not that bad, besides there could be more complex topics" Harry shrugged, "yh I guess so".
Lit class ended and I got to know more about Harry, he is from Puerto Rico, he moved here with his parents last year and has a strange obsession with oroes. It's lunch time and I promised to meet Aanya by my locker." um hey, I promised to meet my friend by my locker before going to the cafeteria, coming?"
" sure"
Aanya was leaning by my locker " Hey girl, this is Harry, Harry this is Aanya". " Hi, nice to meet you" Aanya said stretching her hand out. " Nice to meet you too, nice converse" Harry said, taking her hand "um thanks" Aanya said flustered.
"Well, someone is hungry and I wouldn't like to see my two friends suck their faces out" Aanya turned crimson at my words, even Harry had a tinge of pink on his cheeks, I chuckled at both of them while walking away.

Entering the cafeteria, warmth engulfs me with a delicious aroma. "wow, I have never seen a girl lit up because of food" Harry chuckled "I will like you guys to sit with me at lunch, I'll like to introduce the team to you"
"Um yh, I am in the basketball team"
"Cool, um sure,Aanya?"
"Um, I am not really good with people"
"Don't worry, I will be right by your side, you've got Nothing to worry about"
Ohhh, I shippp ittt
"Well lead the way"
Harry led us to a table filled with five boys and a girl.
"So girls this is Liam, Nate, Rider, James and Nathaniel and that is Sophie, Nate's girlfriend, guys these are Claire and Aanya".
"Hey, love your top" Sophie says, I study her probably thinking she will be one of those stuck up bitches looking for attention. "Um, thanks your dress is nice by the way, yellow is definitely your color"
"Wow, thanks, means a lot" she says genuinely, i notice Aanya shifting uncomfortably and decided to introduce her.
"Um, Sophie, this is aanya"
"Oh hey, cute converse"
"Hey!, that's what I said" Sophie, Aanya and I giggled at Harry's words.
The team and Sophie are so nice, most especially Sophie, the guys said a few words
"Hey guys, I heard Mason is back, probably coming to school tomorrow" A platinum blonde haired guy, who am guessing is Liam said
"Um yh, I heard too" Nate acknowledged.
I leaned towards Harry and whispered "Who's mason"
"Mason is my friend and the captain of the basketball team, he went for a family event, hence he not being here"
"Hm, interesting"

Lunch went well, unfortunately the bell rang and we all departed apart from Sophie, Aanya and I, we had the same class together.
The day ended well, the girls are coming over to my place over the weekend for a sleepover, the drive home was soothing and short. A car was parked, meaning dad's home.
"Hey dad, I'm home!" I entered the house and found him scrolling on his phone
"Hey munchkin, how was school today, any troubles?"
"School was fine and no troubles, don't worry I'm good"
"well that's great, hun, I ran into an old friend of mine in the store today, he just came back from a trip, and he invited us for dinner, so dress up nicely"
"Sure thing, dad" I rolled my eyes and his last comment "oh yh, dad I invited my friends over the weekend for a sleepover, is that ok"
"Of course dear, They are welcome"
"Thanks dad"
I entered my Grey colored room and looked for a suitable outfit for dinner, my eyes raked a black dress which had a gold belt, my dad bought it for me at the family's Thanksgiving. I let my blonde hair down and applied mascara, with a nude lipstick and my black converses, what I hate heels. Hehe
All done, time for dinner.

Another update guys

What do you think of Harry?

Picture of Harry above

ugh THE BABYSITTER KILLER QUEEN IS A BOMBBBBB. I literally watched it three freaking times, well gotta go, drop suggestions.
Love y'll!
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- Tenny (my real name) lol hehe

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