Chapter 9// Sappy Moments

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Claire pov
So turns out that Nate and Sophie forgot about the date and were "pretty occupied"
So Mason suggested we order and we did and he paid despite my argument, sheesh he got some attitude
"I can't believe you won't let me pay," I said while closing the restaurant door on my way out
"Oh come on, it's my job as a gentleman to pay for the dinner with a pretty lady," he says while wiggling his eyebrows
My stomach flipped hearing him call me pretty, but I just shrug it off and roll my eyes, he's just being Mason...
"Hey, that's so sexist, a lady is totally capable for her bills without the need of the male species. But that is so messed up in our fuckin society because everyone believes females are the inferior species that can't do anything with a superior ally which is the male species, which is total bullshit!" I rant randomly. And the look on mason's face is priceless
He looks taken back by the words uttered from my mouth. That serves him right for belittling the female species.
" um. That's... Yh, I'm sorry for paying I guess " he stutters
" No problem, hope you've learnt not to mess with a girl," I say getting into his car, he chuckles
"yeah, lesson learnt, but where did you learn how to be... I don't know... debatable like that" he asks curiously
" When I was in third grade, there was this boy who liked to pick on me a lot, he stole my lunch, accused me of stealing his belongings and he pushed me down a bit stairs once"
" I'm really sorry, you had to go through that, Rosie," Mason says with pity
" Oh no that's was a long time ago, and besides don't interrupt my story" I added the last part while hitting his chest
" Hey! don't hit the driver"
I chuckle and continue my story
" I really hated him then, so I told my mom, and she told me to never let people walk all over me like that and that I should stand up for my self" I smile recalling her words that day "so the next day at school, the boy approached me and asked for my lunch and I told him no that he should get his and stop asking for mine, he looks surprised at my outburst, I didn't blame him tho, I personally was surprised too, he attempted to push me down but I quickly held his hand before he could touch me and twisted his fingers telling him to watch himself that I may be silent all the time but I'm a tiger, you should have seen his face, he was so scared he told the teacher to call his mom to pick him up from school " I chuckled slightly
" I remember telling my mom what I did and she scolded me and told me that approach of standing up to myself was bad that I should have taken it easier but she said she was proud of me for taking my stand and even gave me cookies " Mason chuckled at my excitement for cookies
" Anyways, your mom sounds like a great person," Mason said
" Yh, she was, she was the coolest mom ever, she always sneaks me cookies when my dad banned me from eating them "I chuckle at the memory" one night after sneaking me a cookie, I didn't eat it because I was really upset about a boy that I liked - " I was cut off by Mason
" You liked a boy? well that's shocking " Mason seemed surprised
" Hey what's that supposed to mean, I am human at least I get to have strange hormonal feelings for someone, Chucky," I said while the car came to a halt
"Um... Why are we parked at an ice cream shop"
"Well this my lady is the place to talk about everything, besides they have chocolate chip cookies here," Mason said, knowing fully well that I can't resist cookies
"well what are we waiting for"
We headed to the counter and I placed an order for a chocolate chip cookie and a strawberry and Mason ordered vanilla with sprinkles. Weird right
"Anyway back to my story, I was upset that night, so my mom said Claire you are the most beautiful and bold girl I witnessed my eyes on, you are confident among many and seen for greater things ahead, I love you no matter what and I am sure someday someone will see those amazing qualities of yours and love you the same and always remember if you are ever feeling down just look at the stars, they create this calm feeling within you, I love you baby girl and your dad does too, so remember that" I shed a tear after those recalled words, "I miss my mom so much, If she wad here everything won't be this complicated, Jade wouldn't have happened and" I stopped and sighed. Mason placed his hands on mine, I looked up to see him smiling slightly at me
"Claire, your mom was right about all those things she said, but also put this at the back of your mind that I will always be here for you no matter what, okay?" Mason said, my stomach was fluttering with butterflies right now hearing his words but nodded
"Thanks, Mason, you are not as bad as I thought you were"
"Oh trust me darling I have my days," he says smirking, "well we best be going, it's pretty late"
" Oh shit it's nine forty-five," I say while checking my phone "all these sappy moments took a lot of time" we chuckled and headed for the car
After a fifteen-minute drive of cracking jokes, listening to Megan the stallion, the car stopped in front of my house
"Mason, thanks so much for this night this is the most fun I've had in like forever thanks I really appreciate tho"
"Anything for you princess," Mason said
"it's not Rosie anymore its princess now"
"Well yeah, I needed something that suits you best so princess"
"So since you are calling me princess, then you'll be prince right?"
" Yes princess," he says and we chuckled
"Goodnight prince," I say and kissed his cheek, he seemed surprised by my action and relaxed
"Goodnight princess, and don't stay up to thinking about me, considering you do that most of the time," Mason said while I left the car
"Don't get ahead of yourself, prince, you don't know anything about me, and it's a pretty dangerous road" I smirk
"We'll see about that, princess"
He says and starts his car and goes.
I enter the room with a huge smile on my face and did my night routine, switched off the lamp and drift off with one thought on my head.....
I think I might like mason... and that's bad

And that's a wrap, hey guys I've missed y'll so much, anyways I've been working on a new book called the Bad's Rival, and I promise it's a very interesting book anyway don't forget the click the little star button at the bottom left corner.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2022 ⏰

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