Chapter 1 - Pancakes?

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" Claireee!".
"Ugh". I groan, rolling over,
one thing I dislike the most is something or someone disturbing my sleep.

"Hurry up munchkin, school starts in 20 minutes, okay?" My dad calls from downstairs

" Coming". I say as I roll over from the bed.

Today is my first day at hell. or what normal people call school.

I have always had a sour perspective towards going to school. Most people like school but I am not most people. ha, kill me.

I quickly rushed into the bathroom , brushed my teeth, took my bath and voila, the hardest part clothes. I have never been a one who dress to impress, but I got style, so I stuck with a black long sleeve top and blue ripped jeans with a black boot.

What, I like black .

Kill me .

I rushed downstairs and saw a very rare sight, my dad is making breakfast and the most shocking part is he is making...... Pancakes?

"Um dad, why are you making breakfast or in the kitchen". I say , giggling a little

"Well, is it bad to cook for my lovely daughter without any side intentions". yup something is definitely up.

" Um it's just you haven't cooked since mom..". I say , raising my eyebrow with curiosity .

" I know munchkin, but just because she isn't here anymore doesn't mean we have to stop our family traditions and besides I miss my daughter " my dad says . I sigh , knowing where he is going with this.

" Thanks dad, gotta go, byee, love you" I sigh , as I walk up to give him a big hug

" Love you too munchkin , and have a great day" he says happily .

"Thanks " I say, going to the garage to get my Volkswagen tiguan ,that my aunt bought me, well you could say my family is pretty loaded. Ha my baby.

I love cars, one of the traits , I got from my dad.

I hopped in, and drove to hell. ha , its a 15 minutes drive , not really far . I parked at an empty spot, and got down from my car and saw the school banner with the words, "EASTWOOD HIGH SCHOOL" written on it.

I entered and met a young and cheerful lady. "Hi, um I'll like to collect my schedule".

"Hi darling, name please"

" Claire Martínez"

" Okay here," she says handing me a schedule, " have a nice day love," she says chirpily.

" Um, thanks, you too", wow she's so nice, I am not used to people being so nice, my old school, grumpiness is a hobby for everyone.

I check my schedule and I have physics first.
Yay, just great. Note the sarcasm. But first my locker, my number is 202. Now just to find my locker....
"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry, I didn't mean to, oh lord help me" I look up to find a petite shaped girl with a brown long hair wearing an Indian attire apologizing.
" Hey, no problem, it's fine, really"
" Oh, phew I thought you were going to hate me or something"
" um no?"
" Anyway I am aanya" she says stretching her hand for me to shake
" Claire" I say shaking her extremely soft hands.
Wow, what lotion does she use.
" Unicure"
" what"
" My lotion"
" Did I say that out loud" I say feeling slightly embarrassed.
" yeah" she giggles
" Can I have your schedule, if you don't mind" "sure" I say giving her my schedule

" Wow, we have all classes together apart from Literature well let's get to class" she links her arm to mine while saying the last part chirply.
First period was a bummer, but anyway I got to know Aanya well and she seems really nice and cheery but if you crossed her bad part, she's a big scare, found that out when a jock tried to mock her attire, she threaten him with by saying she was going to make him die by the end of school, he ran away scared.
I already like her.

Yay, my first chapter, guyys, I am really excited, quite short though, promise to make them little longer. So anyways,
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