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Did he just say that? He want's to kiss me?

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Did he just say that? He want's to kiss me?

I couldn't help but wonder, Does that make me a whore for wanting this coffee shop stranger to be my first kiss?

"Hey whats going on in that head of yours?" he asked

i felt my face get red. there's no way I could tell him what I thought about. but I don't want him to think i'm a prude either.

"Just thinking if you're worthy of my first kiss." I said

"You're truly something else. So what do you want to do first?"

"Hmmm I'm not sure? what's you're favorite part of a carnival?" I asked

"Honestly, I've never been to a carnival. My parents never had the time to take us."

"Now way! we have to do everything now! I said

"I thought this was about me trying to woo you." he laughed

"Well we did discuss that this was a pity date and out of the two of us you're the more pitiful one." I joked

"Well you're still pitiful so we can be pitiful together." he smiled

"Okay well I think we should ride the Mary go round because it's a classic. Then we have to get terrible carnival food."

"How terrible?" he asked

"Clogs your arteries and makes your skin break out terrible" I said

"The the pity date being!" he half yelled before grabbing my hand and running to the ticket booth.

We rode the roller coaster twice, walked through a haunted house, spent 3 trips on the merry go round, ate an undisclosed amount if cheese fries and mini corn digs and we spent an hour playing those stupid carnival games that almost no one wins. But like the pitiful man that Silas is, he played the ring toss game until he won something for me.

"These games are rigged" He laughed

"They probably are. But thank you for winning something for me. I'll protect this Beta fish with my life"

"You better. He cost me $135." Silas laughed

"Well he's the best $135 gift I was ever given. Now I just have to figure how to get him to New York. I can't leave my son in California, What type of father would that make me?" I joked

"Well since I won him, I guess that makes me his dad too. So it's only fair that I help you with his travel expenses back to New York." Silas said

"How can you do that?" I asked

"Well I'm going to go to New York in 2 days."

"Well if you're taking our son with you I demand photo's. He needs to know that I didn't abandon him and ship him off with his father." I laughed

"Are we really discussing custody of a fish?" He laughed

His laugh is amazing. It's so full of life and when he smiles his eyes light up. he just looks so perfect.

"Yes we are. Um I'm still here for another 11 days. I work in Manhattan and I get back the day before I have to return to work. So I guess when you're settled we can discuss visitation arrangements. I will not have a deadbeat man as a baby daddy."

"Wow, you're something else Owen." he smiled

"Is that good or bad?" I questioned

"Good. very good."

"Good, now that our discussion with out son is settled, you owe me a trip on the farris wheel."

"it's only fair that I get a kiss seeing as now we now share a Beta fish." Silas said while smiling at me and winking

"I still haven't decided on if you're worthy of my first kiss. Don't use Hamilton as an excuse either" I fake scolded

"Hamilton?" he asked

"Yes. after the play. Hamilton and whatever your last name is" I said

"You're giving our fish my last name?"

"Of course. you're his dad. it's only fair. so may I know our son's last name?"


I laughed. how crazy that it's the same name of the law office I work at.

"Hamilton Sullivan. it's a mouth full but it's fitting."

"I like it. Now let's take our son on his first carnival ride" Silas said while taking my hand in his and walking me towards the farris wheel.

After waiting in line for 15 minutes, it was finally our turn.


Like the perfect gentleman he dropped me off back home.

If I could describe tonight in one word. I would say magical.

Everything that I could have every imaged for a first date happened. I had to constantly pinch myself to make sure this wasn't a dream. For the first time in a long time I was happy. Happy that someone chose me. Happy that I could possibly have a life with someone.

That kiss. It was perfect. As a matter of fact it was more than perfect. I was amazingly beautiful.

The way his hand caressed my face and he asked for my consent. The way he smiled at me when I said yes. The way he ever so gently brought my lips to his.

He wasn't eager, he didn't rush it. It was slow, beautiful, passionate. It was everything a first kiss should be.

I know I just met the guy but damn, that perfect amazing, magical kiss made my little gay heart fluttered like crazy.

Just thinking back on everything that happened tonight made me so happy. Maybe, just maybe it was time to move on from Anthony.

Lord knows he hasn't spent a second thinking about me.

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