uh oh

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what am i doing in life
it's like 2am here, i need to sotp impulse creating stories 👊
wahckkatmmmowkke oh my god my font is weird
know what
these are all platonic because other shit is weirdchamp
i don't write often so i guess you'll have to bare with me here
my writing isn't very good either so like. yuh
and also oh my god this fucking font
whatever. it's either angst, fluff or a story and there will usually be parts to things if i wish to pursue them.
ok enjoy 🤝
also you are allowed to request shit
i will start writing right after i publish this baby 👏👏
!! PLEASE REQUEST THINGS i literally am idea deprived and that can go for like. months n shit !!
oh if you wanna request shit uh. here r de rules:
NO SHIPPING i swear guys the person in question is uncomfortable with it 👍 plus i wouldn't do it anyway
i am ok with writing PLATONIC fluff 👍
i am ok with writing anything platonic actually
uhh... the only shit i won't write is sexual assault, anything sexual. i don't like that stuff

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