Chapter 6 Old Dogs

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Over the next few weeks, I learned that Christian wasn't great at the calling, nor the visiting thing. Things were great when he did call, and he cancelled one of my trips to see him. I was driving down to see him for the first time since we got back after he cancelled. He just didn't seem like himself. He was very edgy about everything until we got to his apartment, he calmed down. "I'm sorry. I'm just really nervous." I hugged him. "Why are you nervous? Awwww..." His phone rang, and his machine picked up. Before his outgoing message could finish, he unplugged the phone completely. "I don't want any distractions." He said kissing me. I couldn't believe that he was literally shutting the outside world out to give me his undivided attention. We spent the entire weekend in bed. I have to say, it wasn't a bad time.

The next few months were great. He didn't miss a single weekend. Didn't miss a single call. When he came to Pittsburgh, we went out and did anything and everything we could. When I drove to Morgantown, he always unplugged the phone and we stayed in all weekend. It was easier for us to really spend alone time together when I went to him because we didn't have anyone else trying to share our time. My Mom always wanted us for dinner and Cleo always wanted to hang out and of course Hank wanted some time with his son, so we were constantly on the go. Our Morgantown weekends were reserved for very sexy alone time, just he and I. One day I did talk him into taking me to a little Chinese restaurant I always passed on my way into town. He always got so crazy and jittery when we would be out and about. I never understood why. He was always very to himself with everything and everyone. Had a couple of close friends who I hadn't officially met yet, but otherwise he stayed to himself. He worked and came home. He'd gotten very good at calling when he said he would. I let him set the times we could talk because his schedule was always so hectic. He was student teaching a fourth-grade class and always had papers to grade. We were both anxiously awaiting the Summer time.

I decided that I wanted to surprise Christian by heading out to Morgantown a day before I was scheduled to arrive. I was let out of work early and I had nothing going on. I just wanted to be locked away in his apartment for three days. I pulled into his parking lot and found a spot near where his car was usually parked but saw a car that wasn't his parked in his spot. "What an asshole" I thought about whoever just decided to steal his spot. I couldn't see his car anywhere. He'd had to have parked far away due to no open spaces.

I smiled and said hello to a pretty blonde girl that I passed as I walked to his door. I loved how friendly everyone always was in his apartment complex. I reached his door and knocked, straightening my clothes and trying to look as fresh after an hour drive as possible. It took him a few minutes to come to the door. "Hi baby!" he said when he finally answered. "What the hell are you doing here?" Despite his question, he seemed genuinely happy to see me. He looked past me at something in the distance and I turned to see what he was looking at. The car that had been in his spot was pulling away. "Some jerk parked in your spot..." I told him. He nodded blankly. "Yeah. Happens all the time..." he said, blowing out some air. "So, I know I should have called and asked if this was ok, but I got out of work early and thought that instead of driving down after work tomorrow... I would surprise you." "Of course, it's ok, silly girl!" He said pulling me inside.

An hour later we laid together in his bed. I had his sheets wrapped around me and of course, he was laying on top of the covers completely naked and completely comfortable being on display. I chuckled at his smugness. "Can I ask you a question?" he asked me after a long comfortable silence. "Of course,..." I said. "Was it hard to wait for me?" I thought for a second about his question. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Was it hard for you to stay a virgin?" he explained. My eyebrows shot up. Fuck.... "I mean... No...." I said in more of a question than I meant for it to sound. "No?" he repeated. "Well..." Ok. Did I tell him the truth about Kurtis? Or did I lie and let him believe he was my first? I couldn't bring myself to lie to him. "Well, you weren't exactly my first, Christian..." He stayed silent for a few minutes. I started to get nervous about half way through the longest three minutes of my life. "It was that piece of shit, John, wasn't it?" he asked, snipping at me. I sat up. "No way... You were right about him. He broke up with me because I wouldn't have sex with him." I confessed. "Who else were you with that you felt enough for him to sleep with him??" He started getting loud with me. "You don't know him." I said quietly. "Who was he?" he said, seeming to calm down a little. "Just a guy I worked with at the pizza shop." I was sitting up and nervously playing with the sheet. "Just a guy from the pizza shop?" He was up with his underwear on and pacing. "You gave your virginity to "just a guy from the pizza shop"? When I specifically asked you to wait for me?" The phone rang and for the first time ever, he answered it. "Hello?" he said shortly. I heard a female voice on the other end. It was loud. Almost as though she was yelling at him. I couldn't quite make out what she was saying.

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