Chapter 12 To Be Happy

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February 7th One Year Later

It was around 5 am, Jack and I were running around getting stuff together and packing up the kids. We were driving to California to get married. Now, I don't know why we didn't just get married in Las Vegas like millions of other people did. We had faced some adversity with his family about us getting married because of our biracial relationship. We faced issues from Christian as well but that had nothing to do with Jack's race. It had to do with the fact that I had finally given up on waiting for him. It had to do with the fact that I found someone that treated me the way he always should have but never did. He made our lives miserable. We would go for long periods of time without speaking. We had our set days and time to pick up and drop Lizzy off, and that was the only time we saw or spoke. Occasionally, he would get upset about something and call me belligerent and drunk to yell at me about how Jack and I were being inappropriate around Lizzy based on something Lizzy told him. Obviously, Lizzy wasn't trying to get us in trouble, but it was no secret that Jack and I had a very caring and loving relationship between the two of us. Lizzy always walked in on Jack and I slow dancing in the kitchen together and she would run over and jump into Jack's arms and we would sway together. Sometimes to music, sometimes to just the beat of our hearts. Christian couldn't handle hearing about us. Especially us as a family. We never faltered. Never fought about how terrible he was. Actually, it brought us closer together. What was intended to tear us apart did the exact opposite.

We had a big wedding planned. We were going to go back to Santa Monica right where Jack proposed. We put a deposit down for a ceremony and 2 months before our big day, I ended up having a breakdown. Some of Jack's family members couldn't make the trip to California and really seemed to be upset about it so we let our deposit go and started planning a wedding here in Las Vegas. We sent out our invitations and got some responses from Jack's family that we weren't expecting. "I am not sure how I feel about being at the ceremony for you two, but I will definitely come to the reception afterwards." They said. This seemed to be a somewhat popular opinion for his family. When Jack broke the news to me, I crumbled. I was devastated. Jack called Melissa and I called Amber. Between the four of us, they calmed me down and we came up with a plan. "Why don't we just go?" Melissa said. "Yeah. Let's just drive down and you guys get married. To hell with everyone else..." Amber chimed in. I looked at Jack. "Do you still want to marry me even though your family feels the way they do?" I said through tears. "Yes. A million times, yes..." he said. "So, it's settled then. We will drive to Cali; you guys will be married and everyone else can just get over it." I have to say now that Jack's family did end up coming around. Our relationship is now one that they brag about. Our marriage is what they compare every other relationship to. This came way after we got married though. Only one of Jack's relatives acknowledged our ceremony. She sent us a check for $500 so we could have a really good time. The money wasn't necessary to us. We were just happy to be getting married.

But it was greatly appreciated. Once we were ready, we set out on the road. We took two cars as a way for Jack and me to stay apart prior to the wedding. My boss' wife made my bouquet and Jack's boutonniere as our wedding present. My actual wedding present was free rent at the salon for a month which was incredibly generous. He loved Jack and I. Jack was always around and willing to help. When he renovated the salon, Jack was right there to carry out the old furniture and bring in the new. In my car was Amber, my Mom, and Lizzy. In Melissa's car was Jack, Melissa, and Ryan. I noticed just before we got on the freeway that the tailgate in my Mom's car wasn't secure, so I signaled to pull off the road and pulled into a parking lot. I saw Jack look over at us, concerned. I turned to everyone in the car. "Watch this..." I opened the door and got out. Jack rolled his window down. "Everything OK, Babe?" he asked. I started shaking my head no. "I am so sorry. I can't believe I am doing this to you... But I can't marry you... I love you so much. And I don't want to be without you, I am just afraid that marrying you will be a mistake..." You know, as I write these words, I have to say what a bitch I was for doing that. Jack and Melissa looked at me with their mouths gaped open. Jack didn't know what to say. "I'm just kidding. The tailgate is open..." I said relieving him of horror. I ran to the back of the car and closed the trunk and then ran over to Jack and kissed him. "I can't wait to marry you..." "CAN'T YOU??" Jack asked all high pitched and squeaky. Everyone was laughing and as I got back into the car, my Mom looked at me. "You're evil..." I chuckled. "I know..."

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