Prologue - Back in Time

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America smiled proudly to himself, as he twisted the key in the lock and it gave a satisfying clicking sound as it opened. The nations behind the American were waiting quietly, some patient, others were already bored and one didn't even want to be there. America gently pushed the door open, but the old wooden frame still made a loud creaking noise, to loud for their taste, as they weren't even supposed to be there. See, the young countrys were searching for the thrill. Well, not really young, some of them were centuries older then others, and it was more like America was searching the thrill, and just convinced the others to tag along.

Especially his brother didn't like the idea. "Are you sure you wanna do this Ame? This could backfire reaaaally badly, if it even works at all! And dad would be mad no matter what...". "I understand Canada, but sometimes, when you see an opportunity, you have to take it. This is going to be fun, just you wait!", America tried to convince the Canadian, but to no avail, Canada didn't buy it. But nonetheless, the countrys stepped into the room.

It had an ominous and mysterious feeling to it, dark stone walls with cracks in it, with green vines hanging from the ceiling, that had dimly glowing blossoms, that were some of the only light sources, as the room had no windows. The walls were packed with bookshelves and working tables, all filled to the brim with books, ancient looking relics, glass bottles filled with unidentifiable liquids, small barrels and chests and even more books.

The countrys were astonished as they slowly stepped in. Only one stayed outside for a moment, looking at the mystical room with a almost longing expression on their red and white face. "Come on Denmark, it's gonna be alright... I guess.". Denmark looked up at the country that spoke and gave them a small smile before she finally entered the room as well. The room sparked memories in her head -not because she had already been here- but because she herself missed the feeling that the room gave her: to be surrounded by magic. To the others there was just that mysterious aura, but Denmark knew better. Afterall, the only reason she had come along, was because the American said it would have something to do with magic. Something that she knew a lot about.

America had taken the lead and walked straight up to the table on the opposite side of the room. It was not only the biggest table, but it also seemed to be the oldest, that had to be repaired multiple times throughout the years. As soon as he reached the table, he took out a lighter and lit up some of the huge candles on it, all of them have been used before but hadn't burned out yet.

A tall figure stepped beside him and took one of the books that were scattered on the table and opened it, just to be met with a cloud of dust flying in his face. He grimaced at the sudden reaction and America beside him chuckled at his scrunched up face. The other didn't seem to like that, as he closed the book, just to blow the dust on the cover in the Americans face. "Russia you asshole, why'd you do that, huh?!" The Russian just smirked devilish as he watched America rant. Eventually Canada stepped in and stopped America as he was louder than those damned leaf blowers that were in front of their house just the other day and made it impossible to have a normal sleep, and they were supposed to be silent. Eventhough their father wasn't home right now, their mother was, and France would not enjoy it if she knew that her sons and their friends stole the key to the "secret room".

America quickly noticed his mistake and turned silent. He motioned to Russia next to him, "Hey, what is that book ya got there?". Said country looked at the now visible cover and read it. "Something with time. Time travel to be specific I think. Or just time in general, but I'm not sure what other things could be ment by 'The secrets of time- past, present, future'", answered Russia, slightly squinting his eyes as he read. It was pretty dark afterall, even with the candles.

"What are we supposed to do now? I mean, you should have at least some sort of plan, if you steal the keys to your father's secret room and then also get others to join, 'cuz you're to much of a pussy to do it yourself.". America was very offended at those words and just huffed as a reaction, "How could I have a plan, if I didn't know what would be in here? We just have to improvise, that should be no problem for you, as the master of improvisation, right?". He ended on a passive aggressive note, which wasn't really his intention, but oh well. "Sure, then we'll improvise, but that doesn't answer my first question: what are we supposed to do now? Any ideas everyone?", he was met with silence.

Eventually a quiet voice broke the silence, "I find the time book really interesting. Maybe we could look what it's about?"."Good idea Kazakhstan. To be fair, time travel does sound intriguing, even if it's not real", said Russia with a reassuring smile to his younger brother, who smiled too in return and straightened his posture proudly.

"Fine by me, but we don't have all day. You're mother will get suspicious if the loud child with all his loud friends is suddenly nowhere to be found."."Are you just here to complain about my actions Finland? Don't worry we won't be in here for long, but we won't bring the book outside, because I don't now if we could get in here a second time to bring it back", Finland seemed pleased with that response as he nodded nonchalantly and turned to look for Denmark, who was examining the 'time book' with Kazakhstan and Canada. He began questioning his choice to come with the group, but at the same time, he had nothing better to do anyways.

Russia slumped down on a bench that was covered in multiple layers of stiff cloth, that was actually surprisingly comfortable and checked his watch. He sighted, bored once more, and turned his gaze to the only silent nation in the room. He was partly confused as to why she was so silent, she loved those things just as much as America and especially with her friends, she would talk for hours on end. But at the same time she could be very calm and collected if she deemed a situation serious. That made him question why she thought so. It didn't seem so serious to him and he could turn any situation serious.

"Are you alright Japan? You're awfully quiet.", the silent nation shoot up as she heard her name, but relaxed again soon. "Oh yeah, I'm fine, it's just that this room reminds me of something, I just can't put my finger on it..." She got a slow nod in response from the Russian, who didn't really understand what she ment, but at the same time he didn't really care about why she was in thought. He didn't want to push her, as he respected her personal space.

Eventually Canada found something interesting and called everyone over. The group of seven all leaned over the book and looked at the opened page. "A ritual for time travelling? Seriously? You guys honestly believe that will work?!" Finland exclaimed. "Well it's worth a shot. And if it's not real, then what can go wrong?"America chuckled quietly to himself, but no one joined in. Why would the Brit even have this room if there's nothing to it? Just for fun? Or because he thinks it looks cool? Unlikely. Actually the glowing flowers and mushrooms on the wet moss beside the small pond in one the corners of the room were proof enough. But no one questioned it. They also didn't question how the pond could change it's water, because if it didn't, the room would smell horrible and not like it did now.

In the end they decided they would try the ritual, as they had nothing else to do anyway. The instructions weren't that complicated, finding all the ingredients however was. Well, it could all be found in the room, but the names were rather peculiar and some weren't even in english. After everything was set up they started. Canada was chosen to chant the spell and everything was going fine, as by now, everyone was eager to do the ritual.

But halfway through his chanting Canada got interrupted by a shout. It was France. He stumbled over his words, but his brother reassured him to continue, but there was a worried expression on his face as he watched his brother speak. The confidence that had filled the room before was gone, the atmosphere became thicker with every word the Canadian said. There was only one thing on their minds: He had fucked up. Even if it was for just a moment, he said the wrong words. Who knew what would happen next.

The closer Canada came to the end of the spell, the stronger the fear in him became. He just wanted to stop, as his stomach knotted itself with the feeling of having done a grave mistake.

Then they heard footsteps. They were quick but quiet, heading straight down the stairs that lead to the room. America and Canada could immediately tell who that was, and the others quickly guessed it. It was France. With Canada's final words the door was swung open with surprising force, revealing a very angry french woman. Her eyes widened as she saw what the younger countrys were doing and launched forward with incredible speed trying to get a grasp of them, but it wouldn't work. A blinding green light emitted  from the book, circling around the countrys at lightning speed and pulled them inside the glowing light until it covered them completely. Then it burst into thousands of green, glowing shards of light, that slowly descended upon the ground. The room was empty.

I'm so sorry, this is weird and I suck at describing scenes including magic, especially as english is not my native language, so I'm sorry for all the mistakes I made.
As you see this was only the Prologue, the actual story will begin in the next chapter. I hope you enjoyed this shit fest.

Also the next part and a cover will come as soon as I have the time and the motivation. I have a lot to do, and draining myself in form of both writing and drawing seems about right :D

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