Chapter Two - Restless Night

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Translations are at the bottom, scroll down if u need them :)

In the night, none of the countrys could sleep well. Or sleep at all for that matter. They just waited impatiently for the next day so they could finally get the information they needed.
They didn't even eat that evening, not that they got offered anything. The group of strangers probably didn't eat aswell, to be fair, they could deal with a night without dinner. After these events, they weren't hungry anyway.

America and Canada had noticed that their mother acted weirdly, but they decided to ask her in the morning, which was pretty much just a huge waste of time, as they couldn't get a shut eye anyways. America was staring blankly at the ceiling of the tent that they build shortly before dawn. The guilt was washing over him in waves, he didn't wanted this to happen, he didn't even think this was possible, but yet here they were, and it was all his fault.

He sighed and turned on the sheep wool he was lying on, to suddenly yelp in surprise as he saw the guy from yesterday leaning against the opening of his small tent. What was his name again? Ah yes right, it's William. Or atleast that's his human name. Quite the show of, he could've just told us immediately what country he is.

"When did you get here?!" He exclaimed, trying his best to be silent, but not really successful with his try. The other simply brought a finger to his lips, telling him to be quiet. America quickly calmed down and looked at the newcomer expectantly.

"What do you want from me?"

"Hwaet is bothering thee?"

"What?" The American was confused by the question, why would this stranger even care, plus he could barely understand what he was saying. Was it an old dialect or accent?

"I can tell that thou are upset, the negativity that surrounds thee can't be overseen. Wé have a long journey ahead of us and I cannot look after all of you. Gescyld ge Angmódnes will only hinder thee and will neither help thyself nor thy companions. So if thou want to make it up, look forward and help, and don't lie here depressingly. And thou could start of by sleeping."

America was taken aback by his words. He didn't expect him to be so straightforward. But he knew that William was right. Man, he should really get his shit together, shouldn't he? At the same time seemed the advice pretty ironic, since the guy himself looked like he hadn't slept in ages.

In the end America just accepted his fate and lied down again.
"Yeah yeah, I'll sleep alright. Uhm.... good night I guess..."

He turned around, making the man face his back. America could hear him sigh, before leaving the tent, the sound of his steps soon swallowed by the night.

He pondered on whether he should follow the man's advice or keep on guilt tripping himself for the rest of the night. It's not like he had never done an all-nighter. Far from it. But he was quite certain that he needed all the strength he's got for the next days or even weeks, so he curled up on his temporarily makeshift bed and closed his eyes. It would be alright. Everything... would be....


They would get out...

Well that was fun. I'm sorry for not uploading in a while, I've been writing on other stories and just kinda had to fill a plot hole, since I didn't really think about what to put here. I think I rewrote this chapter 6 times...

I'm also sorry that this chapter is so short, or atleast shorter than the others, but I finally wanted to get this out and not keep u waiting any longer.

I hope I'll be able to drop chapters more frequently from now on, but it kinda depends on my motivation.

The chapters might also continue to be a bit shorter, just like this one, I guess that's the prize for frequency ._.

Uh, 844 words btw :)


Old English:

Hwaet - what

Wé - we

Gescyld ge Angmódnes - Guilt or sadness

'Thou', 'thee', 'thy' and 'thine' are all different variations for what we now just call 'you' in Modern English. All of u that might know german for some reason might understand the grammar behind it: thou is like du, thee is like dich, and thy and thine are both like dein/deine. So yeah, I guess in older english variants u can actually see that it's a germanic language :)

I honestly have no clue if I got these right, Old English is a dead language afterall, and I find most translators to be kinda shitty. I was on like 5 different ones at the same time, and I'll mostly put nouns or infinitive verbs, since the grammar of Old English is so immensely different.
Oh, and for future chapters, the same goes for Welsh, Scottish gealic and all the other languages that I dont know ._.,

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