Chapter One - Unknown Places

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Canada shut his eyes at the glare light, but even through his shut eyelids he could still see the blinding light. After what could have been only a few seconds or an eternity, the light finally faded and the Canadian slowly opened his eyes, blinking to adjust his eyes to whatever he was going to face.

He was lying on a field, the long grass was slightly swaying in the soft breeze. The sky was clear but he could already see the clouds gather on the horizon of the orange evening sky. He set up and looked around, to find the others lying around him in the grass, no one was missing.

Canada noticed movement from the corner of his eyes and saw Japan sitting up aswell, with a smile on her face as she noticed Canada.

"Where are we?"

She didn't expect an answer from the Canadian so the shrug he gave her didn't came as a surprise to her.

"I don't know, but aslong as we don't know were we are, should we probably put our disguise on. I mean there could be humans around here somewhere and we can't let them know that we're countrys." Japan nodded and quickly changed into her human form, Canada doing the same. The change wasn't really massive, as the hair and eye colour stayed the same for the most part, unless they were abnormal. Their skin changed into a normal one, until they looked just like any human would. Japan also lost her ears and tail, as those were definitely abnormal.

Slowly the others also regained consciousness and they all meet in the middle of the field. It actually seemed more like some sort of flat pit, so they couldn't see the rest of the field, as they were surrounded by small hills.

Confusion, uncertainty and remorse could be seen on the nations faces, only one didn't show any signs of guilt.
"What were you thinking?! Do you think your father and I told you not to go in that room because we don't want you to have fun or something? We wanted to protect you! That's all we wanted..."

France sighted heavily, before she walked up to her children and trapped them in a close embrace. "I'm sorry, now is not the time for this talk. We will talk about you behaviour as soon as we're back with your father, but until then we'll focus on getting out of here together, alright?" The two nodded in sync.

But just as they let go of eachother, the countrys heard a noise. It sounded like horses. The countrys thought about their options, not that they really had any, I mean were would they go? They didn't know where they were, or even in what timeline they were. So they waited in tension.

"Arrêtez! Qui es-vous et que fais-vous sur ma terre?"

The sudden noice caught them of guard and the countrys quickly turned around so they had to face the setting sun. In it's light they could see the silhouettes of four figures on horseback, standing on the hill. More figures joined until there were eight of them, then they all began to ride down the hill, towards the group of countrys.

As the strangers came closer the countrys could sense an aura that the newcomers emitted. Something that all countrys are very familiar with.

You see, all countrys have an aura that surrounds them at all times, even in human disguise. Countrys can identify eachother this way and if they know eachother very well, they can even tell exactly who the country is, without seeing them, just by their aura. To humans it manifests in form of emotions. For example if a country is well-disposed towards a human, whether they are a citizen or not, the human will feel stronger, can focus better, will have a boost of confidence and a higher moral, they might even feel as if there would be an entire army to support them. If a country however is not friendly, the human will feel a sense of dread and basically the opposite of the aforementioned things. This way the countrys could tell that the strangers were countrys aswell, or at least two of them, as the others had a much weaker aura, meaning that were probably statehumans, whilst two had no aura at all.

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