Chapter 3 - Adaptation

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(Translations are at the end of the chapter again)

With the first specks of sunlight creeping over the hills at dawn, America slowly sat himself up, stretching himself copiously, before standing up. He had somehow managed to fall asleep, although that probably only worked thanks to his physical and mental exhaustion. He decided to wake up the others, he had stayed in the tent together with Russia, Denmark and Finland. Russia had fallen asleep in no time, and America still had no idea how he managed to do so, where as Denmark and Finland started sleeping just before William had come to him. Both Russia and Denmark were still asleep, but Finland was already awake, and was now watching him expectantly.

"Mornin' " was all the American brought himself to say, receiving a bow of the head as a response. Groggily he made his way towards Russia to wake up the sleepy head. Honestly, America had no clue how he was able to sleep always, anywhere and everywhere, no matter the situation. He kind of envied it. He wished he could do so... be able to rest for once without a worry.

Finland seemed to get what he was trying to do, and stood up himself to go to Denmark and wake her up. Russia groaned under his touch, moving blindly on the stiff sheets, reaching for a blanket just to be disappointed with the realisation that there was none and that he wouldn't be able to shut himself off of the world. He opened his eyes with a grunt, before slapping the Americans hand away with surprising force for someone who had just been deeply asleep. He sat up, rubbing his eyes and mumbled something along the lines of a 'good morning'.

America just sighed before standing up from his kneeling position and leaves the tent. The cold breeze hits him with surprise, but he greatly appreciated the fresh feeling it gave him. He looked around to the other two tents, before directing his eyes to his brother, who had decided to stay outside for the night, and was now laying on his back, his tired eyes staring aimlessly into the dawning sky.

He hesitated, but then finally spoke up, "Hey uhhh... how're you doin'? Uuhmmm... did you sleep well?"
He scratched his neck awkwardly.

" 'm fine. Could've been better though... but it's alright..." the Canadian trailed of, then propped himself up on his elbows, layed back again to stretch before being able to finally stand up.
"What about you?"

"Same, I'm just glad that I got any sleep to be honest."

Canada nodded in response, but then tilted his head to the side, whilst focusing his gaze on something behind the American. The latter turned around to see aswell, and saw that the strangers were starting to wake up aswell, walking around the small camp to prepare... stuff. He wasn't sure himself, so he wasn't going to make any assumptions.

"Dieithriaid, ydych chi'n barod i adael? Oh uh, my ymddiheu- uhm, apologies, I meant to ask art thou and thy cymdeithion ready to discuss our plans for the voyage?"

The brothers shot around as they heard the quiet, timid voice speak to them, jumbling over her words when she slipped from English into her own language.

"Oh it's quite alright, don't ya worry about it! It happens to the best of us.", America spoke with a reassuring tone, which seemed to work in calming the young country that stood infront of them down. He realised that it was the same young woman that spoke yesterday with France and Canada. What was her name again-? Lynn...?

"Qui, tout va bien, and about your question, the others should be awake soon, once they're here we can talk.", added Canada smiling at her. She nodded her head fiercely in response before swiftly running over to her group, exclaiming something they couldn't make out. Just as they both began to wonder what language she might have spoken, America felt something touch his shoulder, to which he flinched quite violently and backed away, wide eyes glaring at whom had touched him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2021 ⏰

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