chapter five: picture frames

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A/N: bold text = characters speaking in english

regular text = characters speaking in korean

italicized text = mc's thoughts (unless indicated otherwise)


Kyojin was currently losing it. She was sitting in a van with eight other men that she barely knew and they were driving to what she expected to be their home. After she had agreed to their offer of letting her live with them until she got her memories back, they all smiled so kindly towards her. A contrasting, warm feeling erupted within her body; she was relieved that they were being so considerate, yet she was also terrified at that little voice telling her that she made the wrong choice.

She kept trying to convince herself that she had nothing to worry about and that she should be glad that she had somewhere to stay in the first place. It was either with them, or the hospital. And how often would you be offered to live with exceptionally good-looking men?

Okay, but what if they're completely creepy and perverted men?

Kyojin shook her head at the thought.

But they're good-looking though.

Are you really going to justify being perverted with being good-looking?

Kyojin started rubbing her forehead. How ridiculous. She was having an argument with herself over practically nothing. Why was she worrying so much? There wasn't much that she could do now, what's done is done.

Despite the silence that filled the vehicle, it was so... loud.

Kyojin could hear the rumbling of the engine, she could hear every tiny bump they drove over, she could hear the faint breathing of the people surrounding her, even her own thoughts felt like they were being amplified in her head. Kyojin placed her head in her hands again, trying to soothe the endless pounding that was booming in her head like a big, stupid drum.

"Um, excuse me?"

Kyojin snapped her eyes open and looked to her right. The man next to her gazed at her with a concerned look on his face. He had shiny black hair and thick lips which were parted slightly. His eyebrows were raised and scrunched together, displaying his worry for the girl.

Kyojin brought herself back down to Earth after staring at the beautiful man next to her, quite weirdly at that, and replied, "I'm sorry, were you calling me?"

He shook his head, "It's alright. I just wanted to know if you were in any pain, you were massaging your head?", he pointed to his own head before continuing, "Oh, my name is Jimin, by the way, in case you forgot."

Jimin smiled softly to Kyojin, a friendly aura surrounding him. Kyojin thought she saw an angel. There's no way they could be perverts, right?

"O-oh, no, I'm okay. Thank you, Jimin-ssi," Kyojin mentally slapped herself for stuttering in front of him. Curse attractive kind people. They're too powerful.

"I'm glad. But please let me know if I can help you with anything," Jimin flashed another smile at Kyojin and exchanged a few nods before turning back to face the front of the car.

Kyojin slowly turned towards the window and looked at the scenery zooming past, still in denial about the situation she was in. She couldn't get a grip, she didn't like being this "on-edge". There was something wrong, she could feel it, but she just didn't know what.

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