chapter three: hospital beds

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A/N: bold text = characters speaking in english

          regular text = characters speaking in korean

          italicized text = mc's thoughts (unless indicated otherwise)

T/W: mentions of blood, car crash


Kyojin began to drive away from the dance studio after parting with her new friend, Sunhee, and gazed out the windshield to be met with the bright lights of the grand city of Seoul. She was still not used to the city in which she now lived in, but she knew that she would soon be able to call this place home.

Then again, she wasn't really sure if she could call America her home either. How could you call a place where you didn't fit in your home?

It didn't take long for Kyojin to realize that she had absolutely no idea where she was or how to get to her apartment. As she recalled earlier, the way she found SDS was by pure coincidence. She had made random turns when she wanted to and miraculously ended up at a dance studio. Kyojin was so grateful that she did, but how the hell was she supposed to get home? Poor Kyojin still hadn't memorized her address by heart.

This is why I don't leave my house.

Desperately trying to remember how to get back to her apartment, she made a turn at the next street she came upon because she thought she recognized it. But she should have gone straight.

Kyojin noticed bright headlights coming towards her, going straight to the side of her car at an alarming speed. It was coming so fast that she had absolutely no time to react. All she could do was let it hit her; it was inevitable. Her body thrashed to the side and her head slammed roughly against the side of the interior of her car. Kyojin let out a painful groan and tried to remain conscious, but she lost control as soon as she felt her car jerk violently once more. No longer able to hold up the weight of her own head, she let it rest on the cushion behind her and her eyes slowly fluttered shut.

In fact, Kyojin did recognize the street she turned on, though she didn't know it. It was the street from her dream. The dream where she crashed? The dream where she was in the body of a man of whom she has never met before? What Kyojin also wasn't aware of was that the man she dreamed of had the same exact dream as she did.


Sejin had been antsy ever since he woke up that morning. He had experienced a rather odd dream the night before which he just couldn't seem to get his mind off of. Although his experience was way less vivid than Kyojin's dream was, he still knew that there was a car crash involving him and the members of a K-pop group he manages. Sejin had been quiet all day and none of the boys knew how or if they should approach him.

"I don't know, shouldn't we say something?" A voice that had worry laced within it spoke in a hushed manner, "He's twitching a lot."

"I think we should leave him alone, Taehyung-ah. Maybe he just needs space," A man with a thoughtful voice advised.

A different member glanced over to the two, "Yeah. He's a grown man. I'm sure he'll get over whatever he's going through right now."

Sejin was in a daze. It seemed as if a million thoughts were racing through his mind but he couldn't focus on a single one. He wasn't aware of the things happening around him or aware of the voices that were laced with concern when speaking about him. And he certainly did not see the bright red light shining right in front of him, begging for him to hit the breaks.

"Hyung! HYUNG, IT'S RED!" Various shouts out of warning and fear fill the atmosphere of the van. Sejin snapped out of his trance when he had heard the boys yelling desperately. But it was too late.

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