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"So, just because I'm Asian, you expect me to be smart and join the medical field?" She raised her eyebrows in disappointment. Her whole demeanor suddenly became somewhat intimidating as she leaned back in her seat, crossing her legs and arms simultaneously.

"Baby, I know that I'm Filipino and you'd expect a nurse, but in case you haven't noticed," The girl tilted her head to the side with a playful smirk that couldn't be wiped off her face, "I'm dumb as shit."

Tension so thick that you couldn't even pierce it with a knife seemed to replace the once comfortable atmosphere. The seven men in front of her were at a loss of what to do or say next. I mean, what the hell do you do when someone willingly admits that they're an idiot? What they had made out to be an ordinary, average girl had changed right in front of their eyes within seconds at the mention of her choice in career.

She sat up once more, "I wouldn't even be surprised if I was a pebble in my past life," The girl looked away from them, "Everyone always kicked me to the side anyways."

"Then what do you want to be?" All the heads in the room whipped to the voice that mustered up the courage to challenge the strange girl, "You aren't exactly like the stereotypes we all know of."

It was if she knew that the words would come out of the boy's mouth before he even thought of them. Ooh, she was waiting for this one.

"Me? I want to become a boulder so big that no one would be able to ignore or forget me." There was a glint of mischief that shone in her eyes, "Expectations, stereotypes, that's a load of crap."

Anticipating her answer, no one breathed. The room was silent and no one dared to break it besides the girl in front of them who knew nothing about herself just a few days ago. Where did that girl go?

The black-haired girl leaned forward in her seat resting her arms on her knees as her gaze never left the seven pairs of eyes that were seemingly stuck on her.

"I'm sick of people having expectations and preconceived notions of me. So you know what I'm gonna do about it?" Her question was left hanging alone in the air and was as sharp as the point of a needle. And you know damn well that no one in the room would be bold enough to touch it. Instead, she took it upon herself and shoved all her fears to the side and slammed her hand down on that needle like a badass (and an idiot).

"I'll set them all on fire and burn them to the ground."

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