chapter six: bathroom sinks

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 A/N: bold text = characters speaking in english

regular text = characters speaking in korean

italicized text = mc's thoughts (unless indicated otherwise)

T/W: mentions of bullying, racism


Heavy footsteps echoed through the empty hall as Kyojin paced down in a restless manner. She was looking for someone, they were supposed to meet up but they never showed up as planned.

Kyojin checked inside each room she passed by, peeking her face in the windows, but to no avail. She hoped that the person she was looking for was just in the bathroom. Maybe taking a giant dump, who knows.

Female-sounding voices came from the bathroom down the hall which had the door propped open.

"Oh my god, who's that one girl in our third period? Like... Kyonji or something?"

Kyojin raised her eyebrow at the name that sounded way too similar to hers than for it to be someone else's. She was one of the only Asian kids in her school, so who else could they be talking about?

Hiding behind the wall next to the door, Kyojin eavesdropped on them. If they had something to say about her, shouldn't she have the right to know?

"Ugh, that bitch is weird as fuck. Creeps me out."


Kyojin knew what they were doing. Talking shit as if they had nothing better to do. There was no point in hearing this. Whatever they were about to say, it wasn't worth Kyojin's time.

Kyojin got up from her crouched position and dusted off her bottom. As she was getting ready to leave, she heard the girls in the room speak once more.

"What do you think about her, Linda? You hang around her, don't you?"

'Linda' rubbed her arm, "My name is Lyndsay... And there isn't really much to talk about."

Kyojin's eyes widened at the name the girl said.

Lyndsay? What is Lyndsay doing with them?

She peered through the doorway slightly to find out why they were together. Lyndsay could be in trouble, or held there against her will. But Lyndsay was just standing there, leaning against the bathroom sink, free to leave at any time. Then why was Lyndsay staying there and interacting with those girls? The Lyndsay she knew wouldn't do this to her. The Lyndsay she knew wouldn't be talking with these girls behind her back.

"Oh, come onnnn. There has to be some shit you can spill about her," One of the girls sneered, "You can't expect us to believe that you're just genuinely friends with someone like her."

"Yeah! What is it?? Is she rich or something?"

"Well... I wouldn't say that I really gain anything from being friends with her..." Lyndsay said carefully, analyzing the girls' excited expressions which fell immediately at her unfavorable response.

One of the girls scoffed, "I just don't understand how you can tolerate that bitch."

Lyndsay tensed at their choice of words. She wanted to speak up but their laughter discouraged her. Was this what it was like to be 'cool' and 'popular'? Picking on other people who weren't even present to defend themselves?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2021 ⏰

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