chapter two: traffic lights

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A/N: bold text = characters speaking in english

          regular text = characters speaking in korean

          italicized text = mc's thoughts (unless stated otherwise)

The vibrant hues of the traffic lights stared back at the eyes of Baek Kyojin as she sat in the driver's seat of a large SUV.  How she ended up there, the girl had no clue. Nor was she panicking. Okay, maybe she was. But just a little bit!

She looked down and her unusually rough and manly hands that were gripping the steering wheel tightly like her life depended on it. Kyojin could feel the sweat start to build up in her palms and her eyebrows crease up causing a scowl to form on her face.

Kyojin was starting to register her surroundings, and she realized that she wasn't in the car by herself. There were other people in the vehicle, and it seemed like a lot. They were all talking comfortably among themselves not noticing that her grip on the steering wheel was getting tighter with every word that they spoke. Her arms began to tremble and her eyes began to twitch uncontrollably. It was only then that the person next to her in the passenger seat (which Kyojin did not notice) took note of her antics. A worried look replaced the relaxed one on their face as they decided to speak up on it.

"Sejin-hyung, are you alright?"

Kyojin's eyes widened at quickly glanced at the person next to her, who was staring right back, before frantically placing her eyes back on the road. It was a man that she did not recognize at all who undeniably had the most gorgeous face she had ever seen. However, she had more pressing and urgent matters at the moment.

Who the fuck is Sejin? And who the fuck is he?

Her left leg began bouncing up and down and she began to chew on her bottom lip, not knowing what to do.

The man's eyes didn't seem to leave her figure as he tried asking once more, "Sejin-hyung?"

Don't call me that! Who are you?!

"Sejin-hyung, maybe you should pull over. . .", He sat up and leaned closer to Kyojin trying to convince her the pull the vehicle aside.

This caught the attention of the other people in the car as the volume of their conversations died down, much the Kyojin's relief. What she didn't know was that she would soon wish that they hadn't stopped talking in the first place.

"Jin-hyung, is something wrong?" A new voice inquired softly.

"I'm not sure, Sejin-hyung is acting a little strange," The so-called Jin-hyung said.

Sejin this, Sejin that. Who the fuck is Sejin, and why are they calling me that?! My name is Kyojin, for fuck's sake. If I hear that goddamn name one more time, I swear-


"SHUT UP!" Kyojin had snapped her head around to the people behind her and was met with seven faces (including the man next the her) that were displaying concern and the slightest tinge of fright. Not only did she not recognize a single face, but she couldn't recognize anyone's voice either. Including her own. Last time she checked, she did not sound like a middle-aged man. Gasping softly, she ripped her eyes from their faces and she met her own in the rear view mirror of the SUV. Or at least, what she thought were her eyes. But Kyojin knew for a fact, that she did not look like a middle-aged man either. If she knew that, then why was she staring back at a man with glasses in the mirror?

The SUV was filled with a thick silence as they all watched the person they knew as Sejin stare back at himself in the mirror. It was only one member that noticed they all forgot they were in a vehicle and the driver was not looking at the road like they were supposed to. It only takes a few seconds of not paying attention for a car crash to take place and it seemed that in the time where Sejin was staring back at himself created the most perfect yet tragic opportunity.

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