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"Madison, baby, come here, don't touch that." Zayn called to his year and a half daughter, causing her to run to her daddy. He picked her up and hugged her.

Madison was starting to talk, and Zayn saw her father in her. No, not Zayn; her other father, Harry. The man Zayn left behind after what Harry did to him. He sees Harry in her eyes, the same green Zayn fell for. He sees Harry in her hair and skin-tone. You would have no idea Madison was Zayn's, especially since she looked nothing like Zayn.

"Don't scare me like that, okay, baby? I could've lost you." Madison looked up at daddy like he had two heads because she didn't understand what he was saying, but nodded nonetheless.

Zayn put her in the cart and finished his shopping. His daughter started whining, and Zayn took that as a sign that it was time for him to pay and go home.

When he got home and the groceries were put away, he carried the baby upstairs to give her a bath and put her down for a nap.

After everything was settled, he sat down on his couch and sighed. Sometimes being a single parent is hard, but he wouldn't trade his daughter for anything in the world.

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