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Since Madison was sleeping, Zayn decided to use the quiet time to clean. He cleaned up the living room, picking up all the toys Madison had decided to carelessly throw everywhere. Even though he picks up the toys every afternoon, he could leave the room for two seconds, come back, and the room would be an absolute mess again. Not that he minded, he liked seeing his baby smile, and that he was the cause of that smile.

In a way, they completed each other; Madison was the one person who lit up Zayn’s world, and Zayn was Madison’s. They loved each other with a passion.

Zayn was so caught up in thinking about Madison, he hadn’t even realized he not only picked up her toys, but he also vacuumed and cleaned the kitchen table and done the dishes.

He was sat on the floor playing Barbie, per Madison’s request, when the doorbell rang. Zayn sat down Barbie and went to the door and opened it.

Was karma messing with him?

Harry stood on the other side, patiently waiting for Zayn to let him in.

“I told you I’d be back.” Harry smirked.

“Please don’t take her away from me.” Zayn begged.

Harry’s smirk faltered. “Take her? Why would I take her?”

“Isn’t that why you’re here? To take her away?”

“I don’t want to take her, Zayn, I just want to spend time with her.”


“She’s my daughter.”

“She is not your daughter. She never was. Why do you think I left?”

Harry sighed and looked down. “You never told me that…”

“I was scared.”

Harry looked up. “Scared of what?”

“I was scared that once you found out, you’d reject me and wouldn’t want her.”

“You’re wrong, Zayn, I do want you. Both of you.”

“You do?”

“Yeah, Zayn, I do. I want you both in my life, and I want to be in yours. She’s my daughter.”


Harry looked at him confused. “No?”

“She’s not your daughter, Harry, she’s ours.”

Harry didn’t think it was possible for him to be happier in that moment than he already was.

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