Chapter 2 - Lamia's Coping Method: Cutting MY Wrists

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Lou Ellen had to place some spells on the surroundings of Thalia's Tree, so she left it to me to lead our siblings into the battle. 

We got information from Kira that Ragdoll and Lamia were out on the battlefield. She usually rode on Alatar around the field to survey the battle. Since we needed magic to fight magic, me and my siblings were supposed to sneak past the fight and get to Ragdoll and Lamia, with the intent of killing at least one of them.

"Just be careful", Addy hugged me, "I'll have to go and build the new turret for the fleece, but Ana will keep me posted".

Addy left to Bunker Nine, leaving me and Ana alone.

"Be careful", she said.

"I know", I say.

Ana wasn't very happy to see me go, especially since I'll be fighting Lamia, the one who took out Ana's eye. Ana was nervous, too. Ana jumped after every clang she heard deep in the forest, something Nick would've laughed at.

I tightened the straps that held my katanas in place. I looked around. We were directly next to the border. We could hear some yells and clanging in the distance. Ragdoll had ordered another invasion to Camp, and we had to stop any of his demigods from getting in. 

I looked at our siblings, all ready for battle. Even Althee was here. Like Kieran, she had a growth spurt, and she wasn't that same 11-year old that looked 5. She had a more serious and lanky look now, especially after last week's battle. She had seen a few of her friends almost get killed, and has been keeping to herself now. 

"You lead the way, General", Alvaro bowed.

"Remember everyone, we sneak past the fights. Try not to die and don't look back. Don't stop to help someone unless it's life or death. And if you do, don't use your magic. Save that for Lamia", I say, "And try not to die".

We headed into the forest. We saw several demigods chasing monsters, monsters chasing demigods, demigods fighting demigods, monsters also fighting demigods. 

We sneaked past several fights. Between the trees, in the distance, I saw Ben fighting a Gegenes alongside Adelpha. I stopped for a moment. He jumped over a boulder, and slashed the trident at the Gegenes's face. Adelpha swung her sword at the monster's knees, and Ben lunged his trident at it for a final blow. Behind him, another Gegenes swung a club at him, which Ben barely dodged. I forced myself to continue walking.

We walked forward into the forest until we reached a clearing. I raised my hand, and we all stopped. 

Within the trees, someone started to clap slowly.

"Trying to stay alive, Daniel?", Ragdoll said.

He appeared through the trees, and stepped into the clearing.

We all charged at him. Lamia appeared between us and him, and use a shield spell, knocking us back.

I was the first to get up, and drew one of my katanas. I ran at Lamia, and twisted my hand so the blade would cut her side. 

She yelled and spun around, and swiped her claws at me. I ducked, and sliced her again.

This time, she managed to slice my wrist with her claws. I let go of the katana, and I fell to the ground, clutching my bloody wrist. The rest of the Hecate Kids ran at her, but she used the same glue legs spell she used on me back in Denver. 

Sam managed to escape it and spun his staff wildly. He created a magic shield with it. He stepped slowly towards Lamia, the shield blocking her curses. 

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