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Aww not this shit again
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Slowly opening my eyes and sitting up all I feel is a whole lotta pain in the back of my head. Did the boobs hit me!!? I think while quickly remembering where I was and looking around. I was in some weird forest. The trees where green and blue and the leaves where a mixture of different greens and blues. They where beautiful. I played back down slowly not believing my eyes. The sky... It was purple and the sun... pink? Where the hell am I ? All I remember was getting my cock sucked by that girl- Jenny- Jenna- or whatever and all the sudden I blacked out. The fuck!!?

"Hello, Human Man..." I voice all the sudden said out of nowhere. I quickly sat up to only fall back down again when I noticed the pink skinned little girl on me with orange eyes and orange and pink hair. I couldn't believe my eyes has I stared at the little pointed toothed girl. She had no pupil it was just orange globes. She stared at me and then all the sudden smiled at me has she sat on my chest.

"H-Hi..." I slowly responded my eyes wide open.

"My çãll is Lädírä, and yours?..." She asked expectedly. Call? What is that? Her call? ... Oh her name! She's pink!!! Oh god! She's an alien and I'm worrying about understanding her!!!!!?

"Uh Hi Ladira. Im- "

"Lädírä!" She yell at me quickly before her cheeks turn red. Literally! Her cheeks are red now!

"Uh OK sorry... Umn I'm Angel..." I say while trying to not have a heart attack. I looked down only to realize one thing. She's fuckin naked!! Oh my god! This is wrong! I'm a pervert. She's just sitting on me and she's a little girl... This is OK... I'm OK.

"Hehe!" She giggled", My Märo are afraid of you, so they told me to stay away but, I did not want to." She smiled at me.

"OK? Umm can you get off me? " I ask. She looked down and I couldn't help but notice her cheeks turn orange this time and her lady parts turn purple. I'm not afraid of her... Supprisingly!!!

With that said when quickly scooted of me which aloud me to quickly stand.

"Lädírä!!! Get äwäyá !!!" All I heard before, a wush.


And I was out... Again

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