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Looking up from the soft breast I realise something. These boobs are to big to be a students. Looking up I see the vice principle glaring down at me. She said one word."Detention" Before walking away.

I stood their in shock and sadness before snapping out of it and bolting to class. My moms going to kill me, relive me, then murder me again.

I was dead, no... I was Done! Gone! Evaporated!

Walking with my head down to the class I pass the male bathroom. Feeling strong arms rap around me and pull me in I scream like a little girl.

"Dude, shut up!" Kyles voice said.

"Oh god! I thought I was dead!" I said releaved.

"I have something to tell you..."

"What?... I-I-I I'm an alien..."

"Hahahahahahhahahaha Dude your crazy!!" I laugh out.


"Wait... Your not joking..."


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