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After that embarrassing moment Kevin drove me back home. He greeted my now awake mom.

"Sup Mrs.Gordon," he greeted while walking in like he owned the place. I shortly followed after, pale and meakly witn not an ounce of confidence in comparison.

"Hi, ma..." I muttered out.

"Oh look at you two boys, you guys are like brothers. Awww Come over here...." My mother said while pulling him and I into a hug. Here something you should know: my mom is a really touchy feely person and she has no problem with her or any bodies body for the matter, I mean she will walk into the shower and start complaining that you are hogging in and then get in with you... Really!!? Its happened before... (Not in my life... His... lol) 

"Uuh," I groan", Come on Kev, let's go to my room," I say while trying to forget about the awkward moment.

" uh yeah sure..." He replies. And then he starts walking to my room. Awww man!! He has the biggest crush on my mom! I thought to myself while laughing.

"Awws come on man

, shut up!" He yelled at me while pulling me into my room and closing the door.

"Alright, alright.... Hahah so what's the status?" I ask.

"Depends what your into..." He answers while smirking at me.

"...Wait... What do you mean?"

"Well, some unanimous girl decided to become an alien and apperently she's after you." He says while looking at me funny.

"Wait, what!? She trying to defeat me but, I'm unbeatable, I hacked the hell off of that game I say while grabbing my laptop, Kevin has already taken out his.

"Noooo! She's not trying to defeat you, bro!... She's trying to become... Yours..." I look at him weirdly", Hey! Her words not mine..."

"Oh OK... How did she say she was going to become mine?" I ask while scrunching up my surprisingly perfect eyebrows.

"Apperently she's going to stock you until you agree to mate her?" Kevin replies while trying to understand her words.

"Not weird at all..." I say while trying to get in my gamer mode.

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