ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 3

555 23 14

✦ If I translated anything wrong please correct me!! Also for Cross's weapon, I know its the Daggers but I love the Iconic Big knife lol

  Dream lifted his hand to touch the black apple. It rested on his hand as Dream absorbed it.

They had all just came back from the short battle. The positive and joyful skeletons had gone into Dreams compartment to have a fun little Tea party. While Cross had sat in a little compartment with a couch, table, and TV, and Ink had to go check up on the AUs.

The black and white skeleton took this time to think.

' Why do you like Dream? ' he asked himself his face getting slightly purple once again.

He honestly never thought about why he did, ever since they met when he was working with Nightmare this connection between him and Dream felt right.

I mean, Dream has a happy aura but he didn't think it was that. The way dream thought and moved around in battle was so... so... what's the word? Graceful. But why is that?

Maybe Cross thought that Dream was attractive, handsome maybe. When the thought crossed his mind his blush intensified, I mean Dream was very handsome but he didn't think that was it either.

It is his personality, he thought. Or just the way he is. When he had to go into battle with him forced by Nightmare the way Dream looked around or, gave instructions to his friends.
When he sort of started to get laid back on Nightmare's little " team" he got to know Dream better. Learning about the way his thought process was and other things, to Cross he seemed perfect but he wanted a real reason why he thought that. He didn't think those were the reasons.

Maybe they were....?

. *  ┈┈ ☆ ✦ .  ⁺   .

" hsjsidsb- " Blue giggled at Dreams terrible joke he tried to make.

" See I can also be funny. " Dream said putting his hand on his chest confidently. Blue was dying of laughter at how unfunny it was.

" Okok, it was kinda funny. "

" Blue I know you're lying. " The Guardian implied while the smaller skeleton giggled once more. " Yeah sorry. "

There was a little silence between the two as Dream took another cup of tea.

" Hey Dream ? "

" Yes Blue? " The yellow skeleton said while taking a sip out of the tea cup.

" I wanted to give you this. When I was stuck in the Anti-void because Error kidnapped me, he tried to teach me how to knit and make stuff out of fabric. " Blue said tying a string of Light blue fabric with glitter onto Dreams golden crown.

" I wasn't good at it." He giggled.

" But when you came to support me after the whole thing, I wanted to make it up to you by giving you a gift! " He finished excitedly while moving his hands away from the gold crown.

Blue took some seconds to look at what he had done and grinned.

" You look really prett- " Dream had pulled Blue into a hug.

" Thank you Blue, I really appreciate it." Dream genuinely had, he never really got awards. Or any in a long time, it almost made him cry.

"Your welcome Dream! " The smaller said returning the Hug. As soon as they broke apart Ink opened the door.

" Dream a AU is being destroyed by another monster. "

. *  ┈┈ ☆ ✦ .  ⁺   .

Cross was already at the scene, yelling at everyone telling them to find someplace to hide. This one was bigger and stronger than the others. It seems like it had taken some people already. The star team arrived with Dream jumping out the yellow portal.

The monster started screaming a name called ' 悲しい or Kanashī ' and started to form little monsters around them. Cross leaped up in the sky and charged at the little but powerful monsters. With some slashes of his tremendous knife killing them.

Ink used his paint to make a long slanted tower to get close to the monster. He moved his paintbrush in a swift motion and made giant chains for it to stay still. But then it weirdly deflated and all the other small monsters disappeared.

" What? " Ink said confused.

They all stared where the monster was for a couple of seconds.

" Well, then I guess the job is done. But where's the apple? " Dream questioned. As soon as he said that a new and Bigger Monster popped up looming over Dream. It's huge teeth ready to eat, every. Single. One. Of. Them.
Dream looked up in fear. But as soon as it could eat him.

Blue jumped in front of him.

They watched as the monster giant teeth chewed him up ever so slowly.

Dream watched Blue get eaten.

Everyone watched Blue get eaten.

Before the Goop could do anything else Cross jumped on it and gave it one slash. The monsters goop going into the black apple that was falling above Dream.

" B-b-blue... " Ink shivered. His hands were shaking. He started to cry.

" BLUE!! " He yelled. The paint he was standing on disappearing, he felt so sick.. Like he was going to throw up. As a reflex he got up in Dreams face.

" THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!! " He screamed, Dream was still in shock about what he just saw. Ink yelling at him made it worse.

" I-... I HATE YOU!! " He continued


The Guardian looked down at his feet. Yellow tears falling from his face. It was his fault. Its always his fault.

It was his fault.

Cross jumped between Ink and Dream.

" Why would you say that? You don't know what Dream's been through. Why don't you put yourself in his shoes?! " Cross said.

" I don't want you saying anything to Dream like that. Ever. Again. " He finished, seeing Dream absorb the apple, new tears falling from his face.

Ink scowled in sadness and made some paint on the floor to an AU he hadn't finished.

" ...." He mumbled jumping through leaving Cross and Dream alone with the people of Alpha tale.

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