ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 4

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Cross and Dream had just came back from cleaning Alpha tale. When they got in front of the base Dream hurried and ran to his room.

He jumped on his bed and began to cry.
Yellow tears falling from his eyes. The Guardian tried to stop but...

...He just couldn't stop crying....

He was so mad at himself. How on earth did he let his best friend die, right in front of his eyes. Ink was right. Its all his fault. Its his fault that 500 years ago he let those villagers hurt and tease his brother. It was his fault he let him eat the apple. It was his fault that he let Blue die.

All his fault.

The yellow skeleton excepted that. But something deep inside hurt him, he continued crying. It is his responsibility to be positive and help the multiverse. But he didn't know if he could continue doing that after all he had done.

    If he wanted to give up he could just take out his soul and kill himself.

The thought made him cry even more.

His door had opened and from the corner of his eye, he could see the black and white skeleton come through and lock the door behind him.

" Dream, I can't see you like this any longer." Cross said as he sat next to Dream.

" Please talk to me...I'm your royal guard after all. You should be able to tell me how your feeling, b-but it's ok if you don't want to talk about it." He paused to look at Dreams face. Dream had looked yellow and felt hot because of all the crying. The yellow blush covering his entire face.

"Oh Cross.."

He held the warden in a strong embrace while crying even harder.

" I'm so, so tired Cross. I've always been the cause of things my entire life. This is all of my mess that I have been trying to clean. Maybe if I just kill myself I wouldn't have to hurt anyone or anything, anymore... "

The guard was shocked to hear those words come out of Dream's mouth. He hugged the smaller as tight as he can.

"..Don't ever say that I know this is about what Ink said to you. "

" But--"

" No Dream, you're so special and unique. None of this is your fault. I don't care about what anyone says. You matter, without you..the multiverse would be a mess.... "

" I'm so proud of you. "

A huge amount of happiness overcame the Guardian as he pushed Cross backward onto the bed. A smile plastered on his face. He cried even more, while a small purple blush appeared on Cross's face.

" Thank you, thank you so much. " Dream was so happy hearing that. Hearing someone was proud of him.

All he ever wanted was some appreciation. Just like when Blue had given him that ribbon as a thank you. It made him sad thinking of it but at this moment he was happy. That's all that mattered right now.

Dream looked up to see a flustered Cross, he realized that he was ....laying on him. Panicking, he slipped off of him and looked away in embarrassment.

"Oh, and uh, what's that on the side of your crown?" Cross asked and Dream began to feel a little sad again.

"Its was a gift Blue gave to me before he died...."

"Oh, I'm sorry... "

There was silence between them. It was awkward, what even made it even more awkward was the events that happened not too long ago. Cross was sort of debating to tell Dream how he felt about him, but that would be selfish of him. Especially after the Guardian of positivity just opened up to him.

He was surprised by another hug from the smaller.

" Sorry...I just feel quite lonely. I never really had anyone to talk to ever since Nightmare got corrupted. " Dream moved closer to Cross, hugging him like it was the end of the world. Or it would be his last chance to be close to someone like this ever again.

" mmmhm, i-its fine. " The taler exclaimed slowly pulling Dream a little closer to him.

It was so peaceful and calming.

For now at least.

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✦ ughghgg I wanted to write sum Cream fluff because why not ?? I'm sorry this chapter is short, hopefully I write the next one longer lol.

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