Chapter Four - Or So I Thought

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We talked the whole time he was still on shift. He got me real tipsy by the end of the wait. Nothing new. But instead of doing awkward things we had this deep meaningful conversation and even at the times it did get awkward he never let me feel like I was judged.

He was beautiful. Inside out.

How come not more guys i met are like him?

Okay so you can tell I was developing what you can call - a little crush.

He just had this aura. A zeal.

This was one of those bars that would serve alcohol till like four in the morning so not many people left. It was also a Friday night and by the time it was 11, the guy taking on the night shift came in.

The other guy was not much taller than my crush (omg we are calling him that now?) but was a lot buffer. He came in casually and hung his jacket on the hook on the side and made a straight way towards my crush.

"Hey Nitin, how's it hanging?" he greeted.

My smile slowly faded. Okay, i was drunk but I wasn't that drunk. Did he just say that guys name is Nitin?

I looked at "Nitin" like. Yes. Go on. Explain thyself.

He cringed.

I literally felt like climbing up the counter and punching him in the face. But I restrained myself.

Could still be a coincidence I mean its not like there is only one guy in this world named as such. But his face.. He made that face. Sorry it doesn't usually take me so long to add two and two but I was intoxicated. And also I suck at Math.

"What?" I asked him giving him a chance to explain himself.

"Hi Nikita" he greeted me when as odd as it may be, we hadn't shared our names yet. And I wanted to be angry or at least ask him 'WTF??' but he just gave me that look again and I really didn't know what to do. On the inside I wanted to say so much but all I did was stare at the both of them dumbly.

What kind of a sick joke is this? I still wanted him to explain himself.

"Ooh is this the date? The Mother Of Dragons?" the buff guy who was taking the shift asked. When will that ever leave me? Will I forever be known as such?? "Hi, I'm Arjun" he put his hand out for me to shake.

I reluctantly put my hand in his. I decided to just accept the situation for what it was now and go with the flow and roll with the punches as they come.

"Sup" I tried to be casual.

I mean this whole time it was him? But he pretended to not know me? Let that other weirdo talk to me and let me think that's him? And all this while talking to me like someone else while making me feel like I'd been stood up?

I wasn't going to let this one go so easily.

"Why didn't you tell me?" is all I could come up with.

"I wanted to.. Uhm.. Sorry" he rubbed the back of his neck and looked at arjun like he was trying to say something to him without letting me know. I felt angrier.

My impulses took over. I grabbed my phone and keys and just got up turned around and left.

I had almost reached my spot of where the bike was when I felt an arm on my shoulder and another yanked me back from the elbow.

I turned around furiously.

"I'm sorry." He spoke. "There's no reason good enough to justify what I did to you but give me a chance to explain."

I stared at his face now realising I have never been this up close and near him ever. My eyes searched his in the dim light and I let my eyes trail down to his lips for one hundredth of a second and just as quickly back to his eyes.

"At least hear me out." he pleaded.

I gave in.

I gave in

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