Wedding Day

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2Months Later

Lexi POV

Today I'm getting married to the love of my life and I'm so nervous

Kiara~Sis you'll do fine

Lexi~Ik I'm just nervous

Kiara~Well chill because you're starting to sweat

Lexi~Shutup Kiara

Kiara~(laughs)Stop moving


I can't believe today is the day I marry my beautiful fiance

Jas~I can't believe my man getting married

Sim~Shutup Nigga

Jas~I just can't believe,I never thought you'd get married before I did

Sim~But I did so ha

Jas~I'm getting married next

Sim~Hope So

Jas~But did you invite Bianca

Sim~Yep and gave her a front seat

Jas~You so stupid

At The Ceremony

Reverend~We are gathered her today for the marriage of Simone Hernandez and Alexis Rodriguez


Reverend~Simone do you take Alexis Rodriguez to be lawfully wedded wife in sickness and in health for as long as you both shall live

Sim~I do

Reverend~Alexis do you take Simone Hernandez to be your lawfully wedded wife in sickness and in health for as long as you both shall live

Lexi~I do

Reverend~I pronounce you woman and wife,you may now kiss the bride

Sim~(kisses her)

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