Party Planning Prt.2

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I'm back but on with the story


I knew Lexi had something in mind because she got quiet but either way um gonna find out

Lexi~So what you wanna do


Lexi~Really (straight faces her)


Lexi~You're such a party pooper so basically you wanna sit in the bed all day

Sim~Yeah and I'm not a party pooper

Lexi~Yes you are

Sim~But yo pussy ass loves this party pooper so shut that shit up

Lexi~Why you so mean

Sim~You just ignorant

Lexi~I am not

Sim~Yes you are now shut up

Lexi~You go make me cry ass wipe

Sim~Stop being a pussy

Lexi~Shut up Dyke

Sim~Love you too but let's go out

Lexi~(gets excited)Where

Sim~Anywhere except the Mall because this time if a nigga stare Imma punch'em in they face

Lexi~Please I need some new shoes

Sim~You're obsessed with shoes but anything for you

Lexi~Yay (kisses her all over her face)

Sim~Ok stop(laughs)

Lexi~Ok but let's go (pulls her outside)

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