My Baby's Sick

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Last Night Lexi didn't call or text me so I did my daily routine and walked over to her house but when I got there she was still in bed

Sim~Get up

Lexi~No my stomach hurts

Sim~Shouldn't have ate all that candy

Lexi~Now I know

Sim~So ur staying here


Sim~Don't get smart Missy but I'll see u later(kisses her cheek)


At School

Still Sim's POV

When I walked in school Jayda comes up to me and I'm like bitch swerve

Jayda~So I see u have a girlfriend

Sim~ Wat do u want


Sim~Back off before Lexi beats yo ass tomorrow

Jayda~I'd love to see her try

Rodrick~Bye Hoe

Jayda~(walks away mad)

Rodrick~So u with Lexi

Sim~Yeah y

Rodrick~Cause that's my cousin and I will break u if u break her heart

Sim~Dude chill,y would I do that

Rodrick~Just Playing Nigga dang but wats wrong with her


Rodrick~ Really

Sim~ Yep

At The End Of The Day

At Lexi's House

Lexi POV

I was eating Ice Cream and got rudely interrupted by someone knocking on the door and when I opened it Sim attacked me with kisses on my neck

Lexi~(moans)Sim stop



Sim~Ok but that really looks good on you

Lexi~Fuck you

Sim~You ain't ready for this tongue

Lexi~(laughs)Shut up

Sim~Wat did you do all day

Lexi~Sleep and eat Ice Cream

Sim~You so fat

Lexi~I am not

Sim~Yea you are but get dressed I wanna take you somewhere


30Minutes Later

Lexi~Look wat you did

Sim~(laughs)Not my fault you cute

Lexi~ Where we going

Sim~ Somewhere


Sim~ Love you too

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