Baby Gender

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Lexi POV
Today we're going to find out the gender of the baby and I'm so excited because I've always wanted a boy
Sim~Alexis are you ready
Lexi~Yeah I'm coming
Sim~Alright let's get going because I have an interview later on and you're coming

The Doctors Office
Dr.Garrett~Ready for the gender
Sim~I am I really hope it's a girl
Lexi~If you say so
Dr.Garrett~(laughs)Alright Lexi lift up your dress
Lexi~(does as told)
Dr.Garrett~(puts gel on her stomach)Ok Lexi you're having a boy
Sim~Not what I wanted but if she's happy then I am
Dr.Garrett~You guys are Perfection but Lexi come back in 2weeks
Lexi~Ok and have a nice day
Dr.Garrett~You too girls

I'm happy that my fans are happy about the baby because some of them can go overboard with everything
Interviewer~Today we have SimTheRapper and her wife Lexi,so Sim your wife is pregnant right?
Interviewer~When's her due date
Sim~(looks at Lexi)July 26
Interviewer~Can't wait for that little munchkin
Lexi~(laughs)Me either
Interviewer~Omg she talked
Sim~I'm saying she's always loud at the house
Lexi~Very funny Myai

2Hrs Later
Interviewer~One last question,Wats the gender of the baby
Sim~That you'll have to find out

At Home
As soon as we got home my mother was there
Momma Melina~So Wats the gender of my grandbaby
Lexi~We're having a boy
Momma Melina~Congrats girls and I'll be back tomorrow for the babyshower
Jas~(walks in)I can't wait for my little niece or nephew
Sim~Jas we're having a boy
Jas~Turn up I can't wait until he's here he's gonna get spoiled
Lexi~(lays in Sim's lap)Hush Jasmine (falls asleep)
Jas~Wat did y'all do all day
Sim~Nothing except go to the doctor and to an interview
Jas~Oh but I'll be here in the morning for the babyshower
Sim~Ight(daps her)

A/N:I still haven't thought of a name so you guys can choose
First and Middle name

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