Date Night

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Since I took Lexi to the movies last night I wanted to take her out to eat at my favorite restaurant tonight

At The Restaurant

Lexi~ I can't believe you took me here dressed like this

Sim~Not my fault

Lexi~ I outta slap you

Sim~But you won't so ha(smirks)

Lexi~(blushes)Don't look at me like that

Sim~Like wat(looks at her)

Lexi~ See your doing it again

Sim~ Wat

Lexi~ Nothing

Lexi pov

Me and Sim was in that restaurant talking about everybody that walked passed us and I was laughing so loud people started looking our way and we just laughed harder but now we're on our way home

At Lexi's House

Lexi~Sim I really had fun today

Sim~I bet you did laughing that loud

Lexi~Shut up you shouldn't have been talking about people

Sim~Couldn't help it I like seeing you laugh

3Hrs Later

Sim~Lexi I gotta go but you are going to school tomorrow right


Sim~Ok(kisses her)

Lexi~(kisses back)

Sim~(bites her lip)

Lexi~(pulls back)Youre nasty(laughs)

Sim~Shut up but Text me


Later That Night

Text Conversation

Sim~Go to bed


Sim~Yes I'm sleepy

Lexi~Well text you in the morning

Sim~Ok,Love you

Lexi~Love you too boo

A/N:After that Lexi went to bed

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