Chapter one

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I was woken by my angry father shouting and banging on my bedroom door. I looked at the clock on my bedside table and noticed it was 7am and I mentally cursed myself. I had slept through my alarm and my father was furious that his breakfast and coffee wasn't on the table waiting for him when he got up to go to work. I quickly got up and made my way to the kitchen to make his breakfast and put the kettle on for his coffee. Once everything was ready and one the table I ran back to my room to get ready for school before my dad had the chance to give me a beating. Once I was ready I gave my self a once over to make sure I had none of my bruises where showing. I didn't even recognise the girl looking back at me anymore. My eyes where now a lifeless brown instead of the warm chocolate colour they used to be and my long brown hair that came half way down my back was now cut short after my father cutting it.

The beatings started 10 years ago after my mum died in a car crash on her way to pick me up from school. As she was heading to get me a drunk driver hit her car causing it to swerve and go over the cliff. She died on impact as the car hit the water. My dad has blamed me for her death and ever since that day I have been his personal punching bag. He always makes sure that when he hits or kicks me it's where people will never see the bruises and on the odd occasion where he has gone to far and I've ended up in hospital he always an excuse or a perfectly good explanation to why I have the bruises and or broken bones.

Once I've showered and gotten dressed for the day I wait till I hear my dad leave for work thankful that he didn't come through to each me a lesson as he call it. Once I can no longer hear or see the car I grab everything I need for school before grabbing my car keys and heading off to school.
I also happen to be the only witch, but everyone thinks human in my school. Which in a way is a blessing as everyone ignores me which means I don't have to worry about any one seeing the bruises.
The day had seemed to go in so quick today that it was time to go home before I knew it. Once I got home I did my school work and then headed down stairs to make dinner. As I was looking through the cupboard and fridge I noticed that there wasn't anything thing in that dad would eat so I grabbed my car keys and head out to supermarket to get groceries.
It must of taken longer than I thought as my dads car was in the driveway when I got home. I grabbed the bags from the boot of the car and slowly made my way to the front door knowing fine what was about to happen as soon as I entered the house and put the groceries into the kitchen.
As soon as I had put the last off the groceries away I was meet with my father foot to my stomach which caused me to double over and fall to the floor. He then continued his assault on my body before pull me up by hair and slamming me into the wall over and over again until became unconscious and then threw me to the floor.
I don't know how long I was out for this time all I know is that the sun has set and by the sound of my father's snoring he has been in bed for a while. I slowly pulled myself up from the floor using the counter top to help pull me up and balance myself on. After about ten minutes I was finally able to stand up long enough to make my way to the stairs before collapsing. I then used the hand rail to pull my self up once again then and slowly made my way up the stairs gritting my teeth so that I wouldn't make noise and wake up the devil himself.
Once I finally made it to my room I locked the door behind me and made my way to the ensuite to clean myself up and take a shower before getting ready for bed.

The Alpha Princes MateWhere stories live. Discover now