Chapter 3

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As soon as I entered the ballroom I was met with the most amazing smell of lavender and lilies. It took all the strength I had to hold back my wolf from storm down the marble stair case and into the guest bellow after shouting mate, must go find mate over and over again.
I scanned through the crowed of people below me trying to find the source of that amassing smell, but I couldn't see her anywhere.
Once the music had started playing and everyone was either dancing or mingled with one another. I sought out to find my mate. I followed the sent to a man who looked to be in his late forty's and looking nervous for some reason standing by the glass doors that led to the balcony.
I made my way across the room to him to ask if he was okay, but also to see if I could find her. Once I approached him I was engulfed by that amazing and mouth watering sent of my mate which was all over him. My wolf growled in anger because our mates sent was all over this man. I can't blame him though as it also angered me was well. I slowly rained my wolf back and calmed down enough to ask the man what was making him so nervous.
The man looked at me with a blank expression on his face for a few minutes before answering. He said that this was the first ball he'd been to since his wife died and he was feeling uncomfortable seeing everyone with her loved ones.
I then went on to ask I'm if he was here with someone to which he replied yes my daughter and then disappeared. Once hearing that my wolf calmed down completely now knowing that another man hasn't touched her. We then proceeded to follow her sent out to the balcony and down the steps into the garden.
It wasn't long before we wound her. She had her back to us staring up at the sky. She was was wearing a burgundy dress that fitted at the bust and then flared out from the waist and came down to just above her feet which occupied black lace kitchen heels. Her hair was up in an elegant bun with a few strands curled hanging loosely at the side of her face. Oh how much I want her to turn round so I could see her beautiful face.
As if she could sense that someone was wanting her, she slowly moved her way further into the garden and away from me. Was she scared of me? The thought had my wolf whimpering. I left it a few minutes before I went looking for her. When I found her she was sitting on the bench in the middle of my mum's rose garden. She was deep in thought about something and didn't hear or see me approaching her until I had sat down next to her.

I was so deep in thought about everything and taking in the scenery around me that I didn't notice Prince Logan until he had sat down next to me. I jumped slightly which caused me accidentally touch his hand as it was right next to me. The static shock and warm feeling that ran through me scared me, but at the same time I enjoyed it. It made me feel safe and wanted which I haven't felt in over a year.
I turned to look at him with questionable eyes. He just smiled and asked did you feel that? I nodded my head not sure what to say. His smile grew even bigger and his whole face light up. I couldn't help but smile back at him before asking what that sensation was and what did it mean?

Both myself and my wolf was happy that she could feel it too, but when she asked me what it was and went I froze, I could tell that she was human and I was scared that if I told her I was she would ran. I don't know how long had been quite for, but it must have been longer than I thought as I would her her calling my name and asking if I was ok. The sound of my name coming from her had my wolf howling with joy.
I turned to look at her and once again I couldn't believe this beautiful woman was mine.

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