Chapter 8

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King Edward
The moment my mate broke into tears I ran straight over to her and embraced her in my arms and she clung to my shirt as she kept repeating the same thing over and over again. As I help and comforted my mate I noticed the look of shock on Abbys face before she to was on her knees with tears in her eyes. What the hell is going on here.

I couldn't believe my eyes when I turned round to address my queen only to find out it was Abigail who I thought was dead. My best friend and sister. Well she was as good as one. After all her dad took me in after my parents where killed by hunters knowing what I am and raised me as his own daughter.
After I was able to pull myself together long enough to make coherent words I turned to Abigail and asked how is this possible I seen you and dad die in the fire... how is it possible that you are still alive. Her face resembles on of shock and confusion before she asked what fire and when.
I then explained to her about the night the hunters attacked and how I was made to watch them burn alive in the fire unable to use my powers as they had a witch helping them who had some how made it impossible for me to use them. By the time I had finished I was in tears yet again. Abigail broke free of her mates arms and ran to me. She said that there was no fire and that I had been kidnapped by the hunters and that for years they never stopped looking for me.
Although after fifteen years they decided to have a manorial for me as the pack needed to greave and move forward, but she never once gave up hope that I might still be alive. It was then that realised that I had been tricked so that I wouldn't try to escape. Not that I could off if I had wanted to thanks to those dam witches. I finally managed to escape after nine years of being locked up and treated as a weapon. I was brought out of my thoughts by the king clearing his thought and looking between myself and Abigail before asking what the hell was going on and who do I know his mate? I looked to Abigail and then back to the king before explaining everything to him.
Once I was finished I could see a mixture off different emotions running though is eyes. First was sadness, sympathy and then finally anger. Why though I don't know. I mean it's not as it was his mate that went though everything I did. I looked over at Abigail once more and then realised that she was shaking in fear for some reason.

Queen Abigail
As explained everything that she had gone through I couldn't help buy feel her pain as I used to when were were kids. My dad also thought I was able to feel what she was feeling due to my wolf forming a bond with hers, but not just sisterly bond, but a bond that one would feel to there pups. My dad never did understand why seeing as there was only eight years between us. Me being the oldest out of the two of us. What I can't understand stand though is why I couldn't feel anything from her all these years. Once Edward noticed me in pain he rushed over to me and asked what was wrong. I explained everything to him and I could see the hurt and anger in his eyes.

I couldn't believe what I was witnessing it was like something out of the twilight zone. Two sisters torn apart, both thinking the other dead, just for fate to bring them back together after twenty two years. I watched as the two sisters comforted each other and talked about there lives since they had been separated. There was a mixture of both tear of sadness and joy before turn back to the job at hand.
It had been at least thirty minutes and we were still no further on at finding the location to where Kahlan was being kept. Once the two of them had caught up on everything that had happened to them during there time apart Abby asked if we were any closer to finding her daughter?

Queen Abigail
After hearing that my mate was also helping Abby to find her daughter that had been kidnapped ten years ago I couldn't off been happier, but at the same time were were also trying to find my sons mate. I just hope we find them both soon.

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