Chapter 11

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Is this what normal people feel like? Waiting for some stupid guy to call you, making you question everything you've learned in life, worrying about whether some three day rule applies to you, too. I feel like some idiot high schooler with a crush. I haven't been the type to worry about a guy since I was like twelve. What makes this so different?

"I'm just prefacing this with even if things work out with Jordan, we can still be in each other's lives. I don't need any of your little mean, smartass remarks like yesterday, okay?"

"Okay." He smiles. "I can do that."

"I just need to know if he was really interested or not. I don't want to have to go back into whatever the searching game is again. I barely survived the first time, and Jordan found me. Then, you'll make me go to some club like where we met, and I just don't want to."

"MK. You know I would never make you do anything you don't really want to do."

"I know. It was just so simple and easy, and I thought there was something there. Was it just me? Maybe I'm just not cut out for this?"

I don't like things that I can't control. This is less about Jordan and more about me not being able to know with one hundred percent certainty that he's interested. The end decision being up to him instead of me.

Declan leans on the counter right next to the chair I'm sitting in. "Just relax and take a deep breath. It's fine. You're overthinking it. He's probably thinking about you right now."

"I highly doubt that."

"No, seriously. The poor guy is probably worried if he doesn't wait the cliche three days, then you'll ghost him for being clingy or some dumb shit. His boys are probably forcing him to wait."

"Why is that thing even a thing? If I wasn't interested, then I wouldn't have given him the time of day. He probably just changed his mind. Guys do that, right?"

"All the time," he says definitively. "But not about a confident woman like you."

Audible laughter erupts from my lips for the first time today, and I'm feeling a little better already. But when Declan continues talking, I don't even try to interrupt.

"I'm pretty sure he didn't change his mind. It's just a little intimidating when they're a feisty smartass like you. It also helps that you're a natural sort of gorgeous and easy to talk to." He smiles, and his voice changes slightly. "And when you're not bitching at people, you're kind of funny. I'm pretty sure you have nothing to worry about."

His green eyes are abnormally bright today as he gazes down at me. When I smile at him, he runs his hands through his messy hair. It's the only flaw in his confident persona. When he's angry or unsure, he runs his hand through his hair. It's still about as untamed as before, but now there's a small strand dangling lower than the rest.

"And if he doesn't, I promise I won't make you go out and do anything you don't want to. Hell, I'll just go to the wedding with you myself if I need to. You'd have more fun with me anyway."

I've completely forgotten about Jordan when Declan slowly licks his lips and smiles back at me. Of all the different styles I've seen him pull off in the few months we've known each other, this is my favorite one yet. Casually messy and right at home in his joggers and a basic tee, smiling at me with that crooked smile. It's somehow adorable and sexy all at the same time.

His eyes darken, pupils dilating in less than a second. Is he staring at me? Does he know I'm staring at him? I mean, obviously he does because he's gazing right back at me but—

He takes a small step closer to me without breaking eye contact, and I suddenly forget how to breathe or think or complete normal bodily functions. He rests his hands on the countertop, straddling me so I have no room to run, hovering over me closely. I have this desperate need to squeeze my thighs together, but he's standing between them. It's taking every ounce of willpower just to breathe normally. Oh shit.

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