LK and VK Harmony.

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Sven gulped as he and his mother returned to the Tremaine house on the Isle. The others were waiting for them as Crepe let them in.

"Good to see you again." Sven looked away as Cinderella opened a folder.

"I was able to find the piece." Drizella smiled as she passed it out. "You all will like it. Right Sven?" Sven nodded as he took his piece. "If you boys want to go elsewhere, you can. Take your time." Crepe led the small group of four up to his room. Sven gulped.

"This is to put my voice in front of everyone..." Midnight gulped.

"We're all being thrown to the front..." Crepe smiled.

"I think I know how it goes... I'll start and you guys can follow." He took a steady breath and started.

Kulumhlaba we zono
Igazi like Jesu lin yenyez'

He gulped as Sven straightened up. He trembled as he followed the smaller boy's lead.

Kulumhlaba we zono
Igazi like Jesu lin yenyez'

Midnight took a deep breath as he followed after.

Kulumhlaba we zono
Igazi like Jesu lin yenyez'

Brunt paused as silence followed. He looked away as a soft voice filled the air.

Kulumhlaba we zono
Igazi like Jesu lin yenyez'

Sven took the smaller boy into his arms as Midnight and Crepe kept going. It was almost impossible to hear Midnight as Crepe powered through.

Kulumhlaba we zono
Igazi like Jesu lin yenyez'

Sven and Brunt kept it going as Midnight stopped for air.

Kulumhlaba we zono
Igazi like Jesu lin yenyez'

The four of them finished it with a soft tone. Crepe had to soften his sound to hear the others.

Ukuthula, Kulumhlaba we zono
Igazi like Jesu lin yenyez'

The four paused with a soft sigh. Crepe smiled.

"That was awesome..." Brunt buried his head into Sven's shoulder as he rubbed the smaller boy's back. "Come on, Brunt. You sounded amazing."

"I think it's shyness." Sven whispered. "He was kinda thrown out there." Midnight went over and rubbed Brunt's back.

"It's ok, Brunt. You did great." Brunt poked his face out and smiled weakly. Sven hushed them as the girls' sound came from the downstairs. The boys listened as the graceful sound filled the house. Crepe sat down beside them as Brunt shifted in Sven's hold. The ladies weren't bad without lower voices. Sven gulped as they listened to the girls finish. He hummed.

"Should we go down-" His mother's voice answered his question. They went down as the girls smiled.

"Ready?" Brunt stayed behind Sven as the others nodded. "Alright!" They got into a small circle. Lillya took a deep breath and started the other kids followed her lead. The mothers followed after them.

Kulumhlaba we zono
Igazi like Jesu lin yenyez'

Kulumhlaba we zono
Igazi like Jesu lin yenyez'

Kulumhlaba we zono
Igazi like Jesu lin yenyez'

Kulumhlaba we zono
Igazi like Jesu lin yenyez'

Kulumhlaba we zono
Igazi like Jesu lin yenyez'

Kulumhlaba we zono
Igazi like Jesu lin yenyez'

Ukuthula, Kulumhlaba we zono
Igazi like Jesu lin yenyez'

The group smiled at the final cord. Brunt hid behind Sven as Drizella smiled.

"I saw that, Brunt. You should sing out. I want to hear you." A small squeak escaped the smaller boy as his face heated up. The group giggled as Sven picked up his smaller cousin. Drizella took him and rubbed his back. "You probably sound amazing, dear. Don't hide it." Brunt whimpered against his mother's words as Cinderella smiled.

"When that kid comes out of his little shell, I want to hear him. Not the best parent, but he's too quiet." Drizella smiled.

"He's following after his father, but I've heard the voice once or twice. It'll come out." She rubbed his back as she smiled at the others. Midnight was sitting down, calming his breathing down. Sven was a little pale while Crepe was resting in a chair. Lillya smiled weakly at the group. "You all did great. Keep up the good work." Cinderella smiled.

"We should do this more and see if we can get a performance. Maybe someone can do the solo?" She smiled at Brunt, who hid his face in his mother's shoulder. She turned to Sven. "We best be going." Sven nodded as the villains and VKs said good bye. Sven gave Brunt a special hug, making the silent VK pause.

"See you later!" The taller male ran to catch up to his mother. Brunt's face lit up as he waved.


Short and sweet. I hope you liked it. Be ready for a huge timeskip. Enjoy and have a great day. Mlm out.

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