Chapter Ten

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"Toms stop moving, it's annoying." Tubbo said groggily as he opened his eyes.

"Sorry, my back hurts." Tommy replied laughing at his brother, "Wait, fuck, no I'm not sorry bitch boy."

Tubbo just waved his hand in Tommy's face and shut his eyes again, attempting to go back to sleep but not long after, Tommy decided to push Tubbo out of the bed.

"What the actual fuck?" Tubbo said as stood up from the floor, trying his best  to hold back laughter.

Tommy shrugged as he also got out of bed, throwing his blanket aside. "What time is it Tubs?"

"Um, oh wow shit, it's 1pm."

"What the fuck? Why didn't anyone come get us?" Tommy replied, bewildered.

"Fuck knows." Tubbo grabbed Tommy's hand and dragged him to the living room where Niki, Wilbur, Dream and Bad were all still asleep. The boys tiptoed to the kitchen instead where they saw a tired Phil and an even more tired Techno.

"Afternoon." Techno said, barely even paying attention to them.

Tommy smiled, "Afternoon Tech!"

"Oh what's up Toms?" Techno replied after realizing who it was, returning the smile.

Tommy went to walk over but felt Tubbo's grip tighten, Tommy turned around and saw Tubbo raise an eyebrow.

Tommy shook his head and dragged Tubbo along with him to sit with Techno.

"How comes them lot are still asleep?" Tommy asked, taking a seat opposite Techno.

"Toms, we found Tubbo at like midnight. Them lot watched a movie or two afterwards and me and Phil both went to bed."

Tommy looked at Tubbo and laughed, "You really wasted a whole day." 

Tubbo pulled a face and rolled his eyes.

"When did you and Dad wake up?" Tommy asked, not realizing he just called Phil, Dad until he saw a mixture of shock and happiness on Techno's face.

He looked over at Tubbo, who seemed slightly annoyed and then looked over at Phil, who was beaming.

"Dad?" Phil chuckled and started making coffee for himself and Techno.

"Well yeah, that's what you are." Tommy answered nervously, he wasn't sure how Tubbo was going to react but he 'd already said and didn't want to hurt Phil by taking it back.

"Me and dad woke up like 20 minutes ago." Techno said, replying to the original question.

Tommy nodded and looked over at Tubbo, who refused to look back.

Tommy then squeezed Tubbo's hand but still Tubbo took no notice.

Tommy's thoughts were racing, on one hand, he was happy to finally be loved and be able to consider this man his father but then Tubbo was actually his brother.

He didn't want to hurt him, that wasn't his goal but it was too late, by showing Tubbo he considered Phil family, he was pushing Tubbo away.

"Oh cool." Tommy said.

"Uhm, Phil can I have a coffee?" Tubbo asked, finally getting involved with the conversation.

"Yup, want one Toms?" Phil grabbed another two cups from the cupboard and look at Tommy, who nodded his head and squeezed Tubbo's hand again, instead of  Tubbo ignoring him, he just let go of Tommy's hand and watched the hurt flash in Tommy's eyes.

"Actually, don't worry I'm gonna head upstairs." Tommy said and ran upstairs and into his and Tubbo's bedroom, he sat down by the door and rested his head against the wall.

"Toms?" Tommy heard Techno call out and moments later Techno was crouched in front of him, "What's wrong?"

"None of your fucking business." Tommy retorted, Techno seemed slightly taken aback but didn't move from his position.

"Well as your older brother-"

"You're not my fucking brother, neither is Wil. Tubbo is and that's the only brother I need." Tommy jumped in, he pushed Techno away and shrunk back into a corner.

"I'm sorry Toms." Techno said calmly and walked out of the room.

Tommy felt terrible, he loved Techno, he truly did and knew what he said probably hurt him but it wasn't about him.

He wanted to be happy with all of them but if he needed to pick between Tubbo and Techno, he would pick Tubbo everytime.


"Wow, you really hurt Techno." Tubbo said walking in to the room.

Tommy shrugged, "Yeah I know."

"We heard you screaming and then Techno went to his room and locked himself in." Tubbo continued explaining.

"Don't care." Tommy did care but if he told himself he didn't then maybe he would feel better about all of this.

Tubbo nodded and sat down next to Tommy.

"Tubs, I'm sorry." Tommy said, resting his head on Tubbo's shoulder.

Tubbo nodded, not really knowing what to say but not wanting to ruin the moment, he laid his head against Tommy's and they sat there, without moving for what seemed like hours.

A/N: Sorry this one is slightly shorter, I'm hoping the next chapter will be out within the next couple of days but it just depends. Thank you all for the support btw, it means so much <3

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