Chapter 5: parents

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Everyday I would tell my parents I was off to school and then go to Gee's house I liked this lifestyle better I'd been doing this for about a week or so this seemed like the perfect plan. It was 3:30 pm so I decided I should start getting ready to leave but I'd leave it a bit because I didn't want to come home too early. After about ten minutes I got my stuff and kissed Gee goodbye and I went home. Unfortunately for me when I did get home my parents both looked very displeased with me I mean it's not unusual but I had a bad feeling.

"So Y/n where've you been today?" My father asked with a sneer "school" I shrugged with a slight smirk on my face "wipe that smile off your face and don't you shrug your shoulders at me young lady!" I just stood there and decided to just get this over with "I'm not stupid y/n I've had a call from the school and you haven't been attending so you tell me where you've been going or I'll find out" he said angrily whilst glaring at me, I sighed and just accepted my defeat "I've been going to Gerard's instead because people at school bullied me when I went last time" I admitted "shit excuse" he said rolling his eyes "I don't want you to ever go near that boy again, understand?!" My mum piped up but I shook my head "I don't care what you guys think he's special to me!" I shouted and then stormed upstairs to cry.

Me and Gerard had actually officially started dating as of this week and I really was falling in love with him more and more every single day he seemed so unique and cool and hot all at the same time I just wished that every moment I spend with him could last forever.

My parents still refused to respect him or me it was genuinely starting to destroy me. I was glad my parents worked a lot because 1) I don't have to see them as much and 2) I can see Gerard even when they forbid me to which is most of the time to be honest.


It was Monday morning and I went to do my usual trick of seeing Gee instead but it was no use considering my plan had already been foiled as my dad was waiting for me by the door "I'll drive you don't worry" he said through a sarcastic laugh "nooo can't Gerard drive me?" I begged "Gerard, drive? How old is he?" He said suddenly sounding a little concerned "he's nineteen" I told him "he'll leave you when something better comes along you know he's probably shagging some tart right now" he smirked "leave me alone" I said trying to push past him "well I'm giving you a lift" he insisted "no I want my Gerard to give me a lift" "your Gerard I bet he doesn't even think about you" he scoffed I started to get annoyed at this point but my father was having none of it and practically dragged me to the car we drove past Gee's house and I just wished I could be in there with him instead of this old car with my annoying father.

I got out the car and he made sure I walked into the gates before leaving but he's not that smart I mean to be honest neither am I but I do believe that my parents only have one braincell between them both. Because as soon as my dad zoomed off in the car I just walked straight out the gate again and I wasn't doing it to try and seem hard or cool or even rebellious it was simply because I was afraid of the other students after what happened to me last time I came here.

I walked back slowly so that my parents would be at work by the time I got to Gee's hopefully at least anyway. I put my earphones in and listened to my playlist because it reminded me of home and I was really starting to miss that but I was grateful that I at least had Gee here.

I arrived at Gee's after about half an hour it's only a ten minute walk but I had to avoid being seen by my parents so I went the long way and walked slowly I knocked on the door to see Gee and he looked a little surprised to see me but still happy "sugar? I thought I saw you go to school?" He asked all confused "me dad made me go and he took me to make sure I go in but I walked here straight after he drove away" I chuckled a little "aww just to see me?" He asked jokingly "you wish" I giggled "no but Gee I'll never go to that school I hate it I feel unsafe without you" I said suddenly sounding worried again "aw sugar I'll always protect you, okay?...oh yeah I meant to tell you yesterday I've got you a hospital appointment for our baby" he suddenly said and I stepped into his house and flung my arms around his waist "I love you" I told him dead seriously and he hugged back and kissed the top of my head "I love you too" he responded and with that we went inside his house he took me down to his bedroom it was pretty cool to be honest we didn't really do much we just sat in his bed cuddling which is all I wanted to do anyway. "You're so special to me, you know Gee?" I told him just cuddling him a bit tighter and looking up at him "aww sugar you're special to me too you're the most precious thing I have" he said smiling at me and I relaxed in his arms and for the first time I lifted my head up and placed kiss on his cheek "aww sugar how about one here?" he said to me quietly as he tapped his lips and I complied, I loved kissing and cuddling Gerard he was so gentle and soft. Maybe us having a family wouldn't be such a bad thing after all. "Gee, what times the appointment tomorrow?" "12:30 pm" he said as he played with my hair "can I stay the night here I don't really feel like facing my dad today?" I asked pleadingly "of course you can, you can stay here anytime you like" he smiled down at me and then I kissed his lips again.

The following morning I woke up in Gerard arms and then we got ready for the appointment. "Gee I'm scared" I suddenly admitted looking up at him as he came out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist "don't be scared It'll be alright" he told me giving me a hug to comfort me "okay" I said into his chest.


We'd just been to the hospital appointment the midwife said that everything's fine and that I am in fact pregnant which I basically already knew but it was nice to have it confirmed.

Gerard and me walked back in the cold it was still the winter and mid afternoon so it was already getting dark. We sat on the curb a short distance from our houses and he lit up a cigarette and then put away his lighter into his pocket and placed his arm around me as he smoked "Gee?" I said looking up at him "mmhm" "you will stop...when the baby's born, won't ya?" I asked gesturing towards his cigarette, he thought for a moment "I'll try my best but it's hard when I'm already addicted" he answered honestly "okay" I said tilting my head and resting it on his shoulder "you're so amazing Gee, I'm glad we're together now" "me too" he said turning and kissing my cheek we both just stayed like that a while, on the curb talking now and again and kissing until someone had ruin it of course my mother happened to be walking past "Get your hands off my daughter!" She yelled at Gee and we both looked up but we didn't move I placed my arms around him and pulled him closer out of fear he held me as well, doing all he could to make me feel at ease "you better come here now before you get yourself into anymore trouble!" She yelled "but I want to be with Gerard" I said to her sadly "he doesn't even want you" she said "I do I love y/n and she's the best thing I have!" He shouted still holding me, but my mum crossed the road and Gee loosened his grip "I'm sorry sugar I will come and see you soon" he said kissing my lips and then my mum dragged me home to have a go at me.

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