Chapter 26: I just can't do this anymore

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"Now, my sugar, Elle is just a bitch we met on the road"

"What do you mean by that?" I said slyly

"Well...well" he looked to Frank for help but he just stared at the floor

"I was missing you so bad, Sugar, so so bad and I can't exactly get myself off on my own if you know what I mean well not on the bus so..."

I just looked at him with tears in my eyes "so you missed me so bad that you cheated on me?!" I exclaimed mocking him

"Y/n, baby, you don't get it-"

"Don't you talk to me like that I got blackmailed into 'cheating' on you and it was a problem then wasn't it? Oh I'm sorry Gerard I'm so sorry I forgot that there's different rules for you!" I said sarcastically

"NO!" He shouted at me "I needed to get off and you weren't here!" He yelled

"You're horrible, Gerard, you're horrible and I hate you I'm going home and I don't wanna see you again" I sobbed trying to get out the van but he grabbed me by my arm

"Stop shouting at me you're getting angry over small things" he muttered

"No I ain't. You're just selfish-"

"Y/n calm down I'm not saying that it wasn't a stupid thing to do but I imagined she was you!"

"Ooh I guess it's all okay then" I said sarcastically "Gerard I've given you everything and all you want is one thing all you want is sex all you want is me to be waiting for you with my legs spread!" I sobbed suddenly I was weak again he pulled me in for a hug and I cried to him while he kissed my head and kept me in his arms

"I'm sorry, okay? You're much more than that I know and you know that's not true I don't only use you for sex I love you" he whispered in my ear softly

But I pushed him away and got out the van. I wasn't about to just let Gerard get away with what he'd done. I needed to get my own back. I walked about in the dark trying to think of something to get him back but I loved him too much. I didn't want anyone else. But there was no way I was gonna be sleeping beside him tonight not after what he did.
There was a forest nearby so I decided to take a walk in there it was dark but I wasn't scared. I began to get a little creeped out the darker the sky got, but I soon realised I don't know the way back. Here I was stuck in a dark forest alone at night scared, now I was terrified.

Gerard's pov:

She'd been gone for half an hour I was sure she'd return she's got nowhere else to go. Oh I hope nothings happened to her I'll never forgive myself. "Mikey she's still not here" I said worriedly

"Look l'll go and check but I don't think she wants to see you Gee..." Mikey said to me with a sigh

I knew he was right but it still hurt to hear it, after all this was partially my fault in the first place. The rest of the guys agreed to help search. We'd been looking for her about two hours when I heard a noise it sounded like a girl crying I knew it was my y/n straight away. I followed the sound and it lead into a forest. There she was, crying alone in the dark. I slowly approached her in fear of frightening her. "Sugar?" I called softly and she looked over her shoulder to see me

Y/n's pov
I'd been lost for quite a few hours when I saw Gerard I couldn't believe he'd been looking for me. "Gerard?" I said sadly and he came closer to me.

"I'm sorry" he said

"I'm sorry for running away I don't like it here I'm scared"

"It's alright let's get you back to the van" he said taking his hand into mind "I really do love you, don't think I don't"

"Well I mean you did-" but he put his finger over my lips

"Shh I love you" he whispered hushing me I didn't like that not at all

"Gerard you don't get it do you?"

"Not now, sugar"

He took my hand and walked me back to the van we got in the van and he tried to sit me on his lap "no." I said

"No?" He said confused

"I want to sit on my own, Gerard"

"Princess, there's not enough room for that, come on come and sit with me?"

"I don't want to. I want to sit with Mikey"

"You're just being silly now"

"I'm dead serious, Gee, I'm not sitting with you, I'm not sleeping on you tonight"

"You're not sleeping on Mikey..."

Mikey was just in the back smirking everyone else looked like they were trying not to laugh

"Fine then I'm getting off."

"Stop being so stupid y/n! Come and sit on my lap! It's late!" Gerard shouted at me

I got off the bus and slept outside it Gerard didn't even seem to care. I was sitting outside the van sobbing silently and then I heard Gee talking on the phone "hi Elle I just wanted to say that you can come and see me whenever" he just kept saying flirty lines to her on the phone I wasn't sure if he was really on the phone or if it was to make me jealous or maybe he actually was serious? Who knows? But I went to sleep in the end.

The following morning I woke up and got back in the van because it was too cold. "Gerard it's over" I mumbled to him

"What?!" He practically yelled

"I don't want to be with you" I said louder and it hurt me to say but, why would I be with someone that cheats?

"Please? Y/n is this a wind up?" He asked in a shaky voice

I shook my head. "I can't be with you, Gee, not when you pull shit like that"

He started cry which made me cry. Reminded me of all the times when we first met and when I cried to him and he'd make it better and when he cried to me and I comforted him.

"But what about s/n? What about our apartment? What about you? You've got nothing" he said and he was absolutely right

"I know but I can't be with you, you cheated and that hurts me and it makes me sad because you didn't need to do that" I replied

The last few weeks of the tour were miserable and me and Gerard were constantly fighting and crying and just bringing the mood down to be honest. It was horrible because I still loved him but I'd been so pathetic this whole time like when he almost hit me and I still came back I just can't do this anymore.

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