Thousand Paper Cranes

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-Izuku POV-

"Hey Onii Chan, look. Me, Nejire-san, and Aizawa-san folded a thousand cranes! Isn't that cool? Mine was a bit messy but they turned out good after a few more tries." That's great Eri-chan, you need to run. They'll come after you, go somewhere far. Maybe America, or Austria I don't care, you need to run.

Why can't I talk? I need to warn her, all of them. Musculare, he's still alive!! The league of villains got stronger. What did I find out about that I needed to tell All Might? I can't remember, something about, something about quirks? Maybe, open your eyes idiot, move. Make some sort of sign, just move!

"*gasp* Oniichan just squeezed my hand! I think he liked it."

No no no! You need to run, why can't I open my fu****g eyes. They all need to run, they're all in danger. All because I was an idiot, I fell for their traps. Who knows what else I fell for. C'mon just open, I'll do anything god just let me warn them!!

"We're getting distress signals from the brain again, hello we just need you to step outside a bit. Send in the sleeping gas!"

No, please no. I can't forget, whatever you're doing to me please stop. Why do you have to torture me this way, just let me warn Eri-chan, or at least my mom. She's the only family I've got left. Don't do this to me! My brain's going all fuzzy, what was I thinking about. What the...


-3rd POV-

"Sorry about that, to keep him asleep we have to routinely give him sleeping gas when his brain starts working up the muscles to wake up, or evening starts to work up his brain at all. Truly terrifying when he can just force himself to wake up, hahaha." The nurse chuckled while letting them back in.

"Oniichan isn't scary." Eri slightly pouted, walking in with Aizawa.

"Of course he isn't, it's a- a figure of speech." The nurse awkwardly said, quickly leaving the room.

"Aizawa-san, do you think Oniichan is scary?" Eri asked, looking at one of Izuku's scars.

"To be honest, there are some things about him that can be a bit unnerving, and just a bit scary. But I don't think he's like a scary villain, it just means he's strong. Like a hero." Aizawa finished, patting Eri on the head.

"Hero, Oniichan Aizawa-san called you a hero! I knew it, wake up soon okay?" Eri excitedly said, a smile coming back to her face.

"Just not too fast, although forced you need rest too." Aizawa added, telling Eri in a roundabout way he should still not be waking up.

"Yeah, but fast enough for Christmas to paint eggs."

"Meet Santa and get gifts, that one's Easter." Aizawa corrected, thinking why Midoriya never taught her holidays. Did he just not like holidays in general?

"Yeah, Santa's this big man with a beard. He laughs like this 'Hohoho~' Oniichan can make a cool laugh too."

"Visiting hours are over." a doctor came in, escorting them out the door. "I will contact you if there are any other updates on him. Other than that visiting hours are still the same." He said to Aizawa before shaking his hand and waving goodbye at Eri.

"Aizawa-san, does Oniichan have a favorite food? He's going to be hungry when he wakes up!" Eri said, running to the car.

"Hmm, that's a hard question. Let's ask his mom later, yeah?" Aizawa replied, turning on the engine.

"Oniichan's mom, would she be my mom too?" Eri jokes, surprising him.

The rest of the car ride was of Eri trying to understand the words on the radio, and what was happening. She hummed along to songs and constantly switched the channel when the news was on. Aizawa, who would be annoyed if it was his partner, didn't mind because he didn't like the news either. And a bit because he was growing fond of the little one. And as if the world didn't want to give him peace (and I need the story to move faster) he got a call from the hospital.

"All heroes close enough to respond please come!"

Aizawa was going to curse until seeing Eri right next to him, muffled an angry cry and put on the lights on the car signaling everyone that it was an emergency hero car. Taking a swift curve after warning Eri to hang on tight, he took off to the hospital.

"Waffle fudges and wack, the doctor should at least tell me what happened." Aizawa grumbled, watching his mouth before spewing profanities in front of kids.

"Waffle fudges and wack? What's that?" Eri asked in all honesty.

"It's an expression Eri, don't use it."

"Okay. What if I mix it up though, like, waffle wack and fudge. Would it change the meaning? Or change out the words like waffle f**ks and wack?" Eri asked, surprising Aizawa enough to almost miss the hospital entrance.

"Who taught you that word Eri?" Aizawa asked, immediately thinking of Bakugo.

"Oniichan would whisper it sometimes." Eri hummed, looking out the window only to be met by a blur of colors.

"Well, don't use that word okay?" Aizawa said, getting an obedient nod from Eri.

They soon arrived at the hospital and Aizawa was soon rushed into Izuku's room. Aizawa's heart was beating so fast he couldn't hear the doctor, but the second he walked into the room, he noticed what was wrong. There on the bed was Izuku, eyes crazed with the cords ripped off his body.

"Izuku." he called out, seeing if he could still make sense of his surroundings. No reactions were shown, making Aizawa confused about whether he was conscious or unconscious.

Soon, Present Mic and Midnight joined. Quietly whispering what they should do, Izuku's mother came charging in, sobbing uncontrollably. No matter how many times she called him, he was unresponsive, and soon she fainted. I called him one last time, showing both my hands.

"I'm going to use my quirk Eraser Head." Midnight said, cutting the fabric on her shoulder.

"Go ahead, I'm not even sure if he's actually conscious." he replied, his hands rubbing his eyes while he put on a gas mask, signaling Mic to do the same.

After a while, he fell back on the bed. And gas masked nurses and doctors came piling in the room. 3 people took Mrs. Midoriya into the other room while the heroes were escorted to another room they were able to talk privately.

"Aizawa, what do you think of this?" Midnight asked, closing the door.

"I barely know the kid, how would I know. HE's trying to kill himself for who knows why! Why! Why can't I just have a peaceful day? The only thing he doesn't make me do is use my quirk, but it's like he needs to keep me awake too!" Aizawa finished, rubbing his eyes.

"We just need to think of this rationally, when the boy wakes up normally we can find out what he was trying to tell All Might and who kidnapped him. And, we have the completely identical smart AI dude he left us!" Present Mic said, trying to be as positive as possible.

Aizawa grumbled something under his breath as they all came to a conclusion to take care of it with everyone tomorrow. As Aizawa picked Eri up and started to walk to his car, he started to wonder what Izuku's intentions really were. He didn't know the boy too well, but he knew him enough to be somebody who acts rationally. Unlike some of his students who decided they could take down some villains who almost killed their classmate to retrieve his angry student. He sighed, losing his train of thought, but sometimes he wondered what it would be to have a calm smart student like Izuku. He quickly shuddered that thought away knowing there was no reason he was perfect in any way. After all, he tries to kill himself the second he sees that it's the only way to save someone. He would probably break all his bones trying to talk sense into someone. Quickly reaching his destination, he softly picked Eri up and into the UA building. Smiling at himself at the thought of Eri not immediately waking up due to trauma, or having any nightmares so far was something he was so proud about. Putting Eri down in her bed, he sat on the edge, stroking her hair as her breathing was steady and peaceful. He sighed, got his sleeping bag, and laid himself in front of the closet. Silently cursing his idiotic student for showing her some dumb monster Colledge movie, he went to sleep.

Sorry for the late update, oh well

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